A Sundered World: Wandering Wyld & Elements of the Maelstrom

Today we’ve got another pair of art previews A Sundered World’s ten monster settings. First up, the chapter cover for the Elements of the Maelstrom: It depicts a battlemind confronting a salamander (mythological, not “D&D-ized”). I wanted to try an angle I really haven’t drawn before, as well as showcase the fact that gravity is subjective. So, […]

Luansidhe – The Faerie Moon

Before the great Sundering, the realm of Faerie was a lush, verdant mirror to the Prime Materia, brilliantly teeming with life and ruled by capricious spirits. The ancient tales of the Fey say that the faerie lands had grown out in all directions from Duan, the great World Tree and that the rest of the […]

Wandering Monsters: The Fair Folk

I have always felt that the fey needed more page-space devoted to them. Several years ago, I think right after Player’s Handbook 2 came out, I tried to run a campaign that took place in a land that was tied closely to the Feywild. There was not a lot of solid Feywild flavor in Manual of the […]

Feywild Themes

I am really pleased with the timing of the recent Feywild love, because my group has pressed me into re-visting Erui, a homebrew campaign that I ran and shelved over a year ago. The first article is really in name only intended for the Moonshaes, a region in Forgotten Realms (which as an aside has an […]

Power Play: Arcane’s Gloaming Path

Two backgrounds, six spells, and four familiars. The spell distribution favors the wizard and warlock with two, doling out only one for swordmages and sorcerers. I would have figured that the bard would have gotten on there somehow, but better luck next time. Anywho I dont give a shit about the backgrounds, so I’ll start […]