#RPGADAY: Will Still Play in 20 Years Time…

So…this one was kind of thought-provoking. I’m not the kind of person that gets much attached to nostalgia. I know there are people that at least claim to still play the original Super Mario Bros. and OD&D, and though I own “old school” games like Mega Man III and Sonic the Hedgehog, I haven’t invested a meaningful […]

Inverse World Accelerated Review

I had forgotten that when I backed Inverse World that I would also get a Fate Accelerated Edition pdf of it, too, and I really hope I did not pay any extra. I have played FATE, but not FAE, so I do not know what the mechanical differences are, if any. Someone said that it is like […]

Dresden Files: A Huldra in Hammerfest, Episode 102

Cast Pernilla Hemming (Bare-Fisted Brawling Half-Hulra Orphan) Aleksander Jorgensen (Would-Be Dragon Slayer) Isra Dunlop (Nomadic Wizard) Okay, let us recap. Pernilla discovered a bunch of dead, rotting animals in the woods, was warned by a mostly-dead reindeer about death and such, and chased out of the woods by a shadow-something. Aleksander had learned that it […]

Dresden Files: A Huldra in Hammerfest, Episode 101

Cast Pernilla Hemming (Bare-Fisted Brawling Half-Huldra Orphan) Aleksander Jorgensen (Would-Be Dragon Slayer) Pernilla packed up her fishing gear and started back to camp. This week had been pretty bad; she would have to try and pick up some extra hours swindling people at Gnorbitt’s. She had been doing that a lot lately, which meant that […]

Returning to the Mines of Madness

Years ago I ran an Eberron campaign steeped in Lovecraftian horror. Not only did adventure titles play off of one of Lovecraft’s stories—At the Mines of Madness, The Shadows Under Greyshore, etc—but they featured people twisted by alien energies, phasic denizens from another dimension, strange, alien ruins, tentacled horrors, and cultists that worshipping god-like, thankfully imprisoned […]

Blackscale Swamp Map

A map that Victor whipped up for a Dungeons & Dragons/Dungeon World/probably FATE (which I picked up last week) adventure I am working on in between writing A Sundered Dungeon World (which is almost at 100 pages). The hard part is getting the plot squared away; once it comes to monsters/encounter building it is a simple matter […]

Dungeons, Dragons, and Aspects

Disclaimer: I have never actually played Dresden Files, or even a Fate game. I have read through parts of the book, a wiki article, and listened to an “actual play” podcast. In other words, I might have interpreted aspects grossly incorrectly. Building a D&D character goes beyond choosing a race, class, feats, skills, and gear. Regardless […]