Expedition to Castle Ravenloft w/ Dungeon World

Last year I ran a complete Dungeon World campaign using 3rd Edition’s Expedition to Castle Ravenloft (which also raised some money for Extra Life). At the time I’d intended to make a complete conversion pdf, but numerous other projects took precedence, so it was essentially backburnered indefinitely. Since then, people have continued to ask about it, so […]

Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Rocks Fall…

Cast Felicia (level 6 human thief) Gamamyr (level 6 elf wizard) Kyr (level 6 living star) Locum (level 6 slayer) Mim (level 6 witch w/ familiar) Summary Gamamyr poked his head through the door that the woman had retreated through. The room was spacious, unexpectedly clean, and illuminated by a crackling hearth. A pair of […]

Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Wedding Crashers

Cast Felicia (level 5 human thief) Gamamyr (level 5 elf wizard) Kyr (level 5 living star) Locum (level 5 slayer) Mim (level 5 witch w/ familiar) Summary With no other apparent way inside they opted for the path of—hopefully—least resistance, strolling across the drawbridge and through the open gate. The mist was somehow even thicker […]

Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Castle Crashers

Cast Felicia (level 4 human thief) Gamamyr (level 5 elf wizard) Kyr (level 5 living star) Locum (level 5 slayer) Mim (level 5 witch w/ familiar) Summary The last time they had visited the village, the townsfolk were still mostly gathered near the town square, so they weren’t too surprised to find the edge dark […]

Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Werewolves of Barovia

Cast Felicia (level 4 human thief) Gamamyr (level 4 elf wizard) Kyr (level 4 living star) Locum (level 4 slayer) Mim (level 4 witch w/ familiar) Summary One fane down, two to go. Since they were close to a forest they decided to tackle that one next. Mind you they weren’t sure just how much […]

Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: The First Fane

Cast Felicia (level 4 human thief) Gamamyr (level 4 elf wizard) Kyr (level 4 living star) Locum (level 4 slayer) Mim (level 4 witch w/ familiar) Summary Gamamyr was bound to the alter by thick vines, and to make matters worse the hag that had abducted him was also holding a knife to his throat. […]

Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Dusk of the Dead

Cast Klaus (level 1 human fighter) Kyr (level 1 fallen star) Mim (level 1 witch w/ familiar) Rook (level 1 halfling thief) Summary Unsure where to go or what else to expect Mim chopped up one of the zombies, and from its organs divined that both the living and dead inhabited the village. Hoping to […]