Book of Vile Darkness: Demonologist

Today’s excerpt has garnered some negative criticism partially for the outfit, but largely because of the quasit’s anger issues; most of the time it gets along just fine, but if you are unable to give it orders–like you are stunned, dominated, or sleeping–then it “acts under the Dungeon Master’s control as your enemy”. Despite this […]

Excerpts: Evil Campaigns

The first look at Book of Vile Darkness concerns campaign themes and an arc that will hopefully unify an evil party to work together long enough to see results. Staples such as conquest and destroying the world are present, along with working against other evil forces and killing gods. Running an evil campaign can be a […]

Excerpt: Fey Beast Tamer

Only four themes? Really? The main attraction to this theme is the beast companion you get, which can be a blink dog, displacer beast, fey panther, or owlbear, all of which seem pretty strong for what is in all honesty an optional option. Yeah they only have half your usual hit points as a cap, […]

Excerpt: Item Curses

In past editions I never used cursed items unless a pre-published adventure specifically mentioned them because in most cases they were a minor nuisance; any party with a cleric could basically get rid of it after taking a nap, assuming that no one had a remove curse spell prepared/scroll on hand (if the item even […]

Excerpt: New Armor

I just got around to posting about the weapon excerpt today, and we are already at new armor. You will need to actually scope out the pdf preview to get any hard mechanics, which includes full stats for all the suits of armor that were still “missing” (well, except for the chain shirt). Aside from […]

Excerpt: New Weapons

In addition to magic items it looks like feats are also on the menu at Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Emporium. Though we get a dozen names, only two of the “strike specialization” feats are actually shown, which let you reduce bonus damage from power strike in order to lump on some other benefit like dazing or attacking Fortitude […]

Heroes of Shadow Feats

The last preview for Heroes of Shadow showcases a bunch of feats. I like a lot of them, but some of them seem very…focused. For example, Legioncaller of Moil gives your summoned shadow critters a bonus to attack rolls and defenses, while Executioner of Undeath lets you reroll any damage dice when attacking undead once. […]

Heroes of Shadow: Excerpt and Table of Contents

Today’s Heroes of Shadow excerpt pertains to shadow magic, and all that that entails. I like that it specifically addresses what exactly differentiates it from arcane magic (or really, any other power source). Where arcane magic often requires rigorous study (warlocks are lazy), shadow magic involves using various rituals to exchange part of your soul, or […]

Divine Power: Rituals

Looks like there will be eight new rituals in Divine Power. The one that interests me the most is Create Holy Water. Its only level 1 and probably will do wonders against undead and likely evil-aligned immortals. Not much of note, though they do preview one of the rituals. Adjure Filled with righteous authority, you […]

Excerpt: Favored Soul

You can finally download the article. The favored soul is an avenger paragon path that basically turns you into an angel as you level up. You gain wings at level 16, which is the highlight of the class and starts to set the benchmark for a static flight speed. You can burn an action point […]