Enlil-Zi-Shagal’s Sky Tomb Finale

Cast Lydia (level 3 human bard) Hburdshur (level 3 dwarf fighter) Raynor (level 3 god eater-class thing) Savatar (level 3 vampire) Session Highlights Raynor’s plan works: the prismatic spider slaughters all of the viscera wasps. Unfortunately it’s still alive, and the party has no idea how wounded it is. But they’ve destroyed one already, and figure […]

Enlil-Zi-Shagal’s Sky Tomb: Episodes 103

Cast Lydia (level 2 human bard) Hburdshur (level 2 dwarf fighter) Raynor (level 2 god eater-class thing) Session Highlights The party ends up having to fight the prismatic spider that Raynor inadvertently summoned. Since Melissa is back to playing Lydia-the-human-bard (in the previous session we all thought she was playing a kobold cleric), she uses […]

Enlil-Zi-Shagal’s Sky Tomb: Episodes 102

Cast Elfi (level 2 kobold cleric) Hburdshur (level 2 dwarf fighter) Raynor (level 2 god eater-class thing) Session Highlights Using the feathered cloak taken from the former human-bird-skeleton hybrid, Elfi transformed into a bird, and flew through the crack in the wall to explore the exterior. The overall structure was roughly bird-shaped, and she could […]

Enlil-Zi-Shagal’s Sky Tomb: Episode 101

Cast Hburdshur (level 2 dwarf fighter) Lydia (level 2 human bard) Raynor (level 2 god eater-class thing) Session Highlights Having passed through the now-vanished portal, the party found themselves standing on a stone disc, connected to a much larger, weathered structure by a narrow bridge. The entirety was seemingly suspended in an endless blue sky, […]

Enlil-Zi-Shagal’s Sky Tomb: Pilot Episode

Cast Helga (level 1 dwarf fighter) Lydia (level 1 human bard) Taverick (level 1 human cleric) Session Highlights We were supposed to do Adam’s A Sundered World-But-With-Black Book campaign, but stuff happened, he wanted me to run something, and I figured this adventure could use more playtesting with more people/different characters, anyway. As before the party […]

Enlil-Zi-Shagal’s Sky Tomb: Monsters!

So I’m working on this 1st-level intro adventure for Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book that takes place within the tomb of a jinn floating about the Elemental Plane of Air. I got the maps (four right now) mostly done, but am still working on room contents and also how some of the power generator puzzles are […]

Enlil-Zi-Shagal’s Sky Tomb Playtest

Cast Saitama (1st-level human monk) Sarush (1st-level cambion warlock) Uttama (1st-level tarchon ranger) Very Brief Summary Since I want to publish this adventure as a kind of starter adventure for Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book, I don’t want to spoil too much (especially the puzzle solutions, which was a big reason why I wanted to […]