Wandering Monsters: Scum of the Underearth

I was waiting for this. I have never really been a fan of drow. To me they have always seemed like evil-elf caricatures: they dress in black, have black skin (sometimes also red eyes), live underground, worship spiders, are adversely affected by the sun (to the point where even their gear gets destroyed when exposed […]

D&D Next: Duergar Race

Note: Sorry if this has been cropping up a lot. I have had a very difficult time getting this article mostly formatted. Since I completed my conversion of Keep on the Shadowfell, I have been working on Thunderspire Labyrinth. It has gone somewhat smoothly considering that I was about halfway done recreating it for 4th […]

Rebuilding Thunderspire Labyrinth, Duergar

I am probably not the only person that doesn’t like beard-chucking duergar, so while working on updating Thunderspire Labyrinth I also decided to give them a new conic power to spare myself having to describe the original. I wanted to avoid stepping on the toes of the tiefling. I figure if any of my players actually […]

Rebuilding Thunderspire Labyrinth, Part 3

We ended up cancelling the game again, so I spent some time working on a new map for the Horned Hold because I really did not like the layout. Here is the uncrumpled sketch that I liked the most: I just realized that the lower-right part looks like a hand pointing. And here is what […]

Creature Incarnations: Duergar

Randy is currently running us through a campaign that thankfully utilizes Palladium Fantasy in geography only. Currently, we’re plundering dwarven ruins oddly brimming with their devil-worshiping, quill-tossing counterparts, duergar. At least in 3rd Edition, duergar were basically evil dwarves–sometimes psionic–that could both enlarge themselves and turn invisible, in addition to few other minor benefits. Now? They’re resistance […]