Dungeons & Delvers: Dryad Adventure, Episode 102

Cast Lydia (level 4 human bard) Raynor (level 4 god eater-class thing) Savatar (level 4 vampire) Session Highlights After weighing their options, the party decides to head directly to the dryad’s home-tree and tell her what they know: hopefully she’ll believe them and stop attacking the village. En route they come across an almost completely […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Dryad Adventure, Episode 101

Cast Bozal (level 3 ghoul) Lydia (level 3 human bard) Hburdshur (level 3 dwarf fighter) Raynor (level 3 god eater-class thing) Savatar (level 3 vampire) Session Highlights While everyone else heads out to try and solve the mystery of a violent, murderous dryad, Hburdshur and Bozal volunteer to remain behind and guard the treasure-chariot. Hburdshur […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Dryad Adventure, Pilot Episode

Cast Lydia (level 3 human bard) Hburdshur (level 3 dwarf fighter) Raynor (level 3 god eater-class thing) Savatar (level 3 vampire) Session Highlights The party, burdened with a treasure-laden golden chariot, freshly stolen from the tomb of a now dead dead sky god-like being, had to figure out how to haul their haul to Helorus, an […]

Wandering Monsters: Once Upon a Time

Dungeons & Dragons arbitrarily draws bits and pieces from various mythologies, especially when it comes to monsters: sometimes monsters with set populations can be found in abundance, have different origin stories (if they even had one at all), are named after another monster, come in numerous variations, and/or possess very different strengths and vulnerabilities. I am used to the […]

Homebrew: New Dryads

A pair of dryads for the third adventure in my Songs of Erui adventure path. I wanted more fey to tackle than the standard fare in Monster Manual, so cooked up a few variant dryads and treants. Suggestions are always welcome! This one is a basic controller that controls plants. This one is a bit […]