A Sundered World: The Dwellers in Darkness

Nearly two years ago I wrote a draft on how I envisioned drow fitting into A Sundered World, and not much has changed since then. Actually the only thing that has really changed (aside from switching mechanics from d20 to Powered by the Apocalypse) is that I’m not referring to them as drow at all anymore, just […]

A Sundered World: Drow Draft

I have already elaborated at length as to why I do not like drow-as-written, and since I do not expect WotCto give this iconic Underdark race any depth, Josh and I came up with a different origin and flavor to back them up. As always, let me know what you think. During the Sundering, the […]

Wandering Monsters: Scum of the Underearth

I was waiting for this. I have never really been a fan of drow. To me they have always seemed like evil-elf caricatures: they dress in black, have black skin (sometimes also red eyes), live underground, worship spiders, are adversely affected by the sun (to the point where even their gear gets destroyed when exposed […]

Saying Yes, Or How I Winged It

On Tuesday I ran Songs of Erui after about a month of down time. The party had traveled to the mostly-dwarf city, Cindervault, looking for the second fragment of a song that’s been the primary focus of the campaign since the ass-end of the first adventure. When they arrived they found that it was mostly abandoned, […]