Dragon’s-Eye View: Imagining the World

It is has been quite awhile since there was a Dragon’s-Eye View article that I wanted to comment on. While I am not a fan of Forgotten Realms, I do like the quality of this concept art: They are evocative images that make we want to base dungeon locales off of just so I can show […]

Dragon’s-Eye View: Halflings, Part 2

“What do you think of the halfling, now?” For me it is a Small step in the right direction, proportion-wise anyway. While I found the first pass at halflings to be just a bit too cartoony for my taste—which, at the time I described as “very”, but they kinda grew on me—the greater issue was […]

Dragon’s-Eye View: Hippogriffon?

Where do you stand on the visual design of the hippogriff? For me it depends on their origin, as the mythological griffin is described as equal parts lion and eagle, with the hippogriff being the rare offspring of a horse and griffin, because, as in Dungeons & Dragons, griffins really like to eat horses (which […]

Dragon’s-Eye View: Re-imagining Kobolds

The new year kicks off with a monster that low-level parties everywhere love kicking, kobolds. There seems to be two camps on kobolds: one wants them to have a dog/rat-like look, while the other prefers the more recent draconic association. I guess it largely depends on whichever kobold you saw first (which for me, if you […]

Dragon’s-Eye View: Assassin Devil

The shadow-stuff stuff actually makes sense, two horns are pretty bog-standard, and the indigo skin I can deal with, but why would an assassin devil be six feet tall and wear armor that is even partially made of iron? Something like the shadow from A Clash of Kings makes more sense. There are quite a few entries […]

Dragon’s-Eye View: Short People

When I said I was hoping for insanity-inducing artwork, I was not expecting this. In all seriousness I am not sure where I stand. While they do look friendly, folksy, and cute, the large head and tiny feet also makes them look top-heavy, like they would have a difficult time staying upright (which contrasts with […]

Dragons-Eye View: Dragons. Dragons. Dragons.

A Dragon’s-Eye View on dragons? While we saw the concept art in one of the GenCon keynote videos (or in person if you were lucky enough to go), it is nice to finally get a discussion on the look of dragons. Well the red dragon anyway, which is fine since it is both an iconic dragon–appearing on […]

Dragon’s-Eye View: Undead

Jon talks undead, specifically ghosts and the ghost-like specter and wraith. He first asks about the visual differences between the three. No mechanics, just that if you described them to a player if they could tell them apart. Based on his descriptions and art, I could say that save for the ghost and spectre yeah, they […]

Dragon’s-Eye View: Goblinoids, Take Two

Aside from a few nitpicks, I actually like the look of these goblins quite a bit. I like the bugbear‘s feet. They look a bit bearish, which is a nice touch. It could stand to look bit bulkier, with a less cat-like face. Also I think its gear should look a bit more scavenged. Well…I […]

Wandering Monsters & Dragon’s-Eye View: Giants

I have never had the opportunity to play any of the G-series adventures or the remakes, or really use giants in general (though I have often planned to). I blame them being understandably mid- to high-level threats, a lofty peak that my groups have only achieved a couple of times. In fact the only time I […]