Dungeons & Delvers: Blue Dragon

And here I was all stoked that the pit fiend didn’t have feathered wings… This is our take on the blue dragon for Red Book, which I blogged about awhile back. That post goes into detail about origins, appearance, and abilities, but basically I wanted to try a different look, without making it overtly “weird” for […]

Dungeons & Delvers & Dragons

In Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book I only included stats for a level 7 red dragon. This was because the core game initially only went up to 5th-level, and I figured a level 7 critter would be badass enough, without people creating/converting stuff using the very simple creation/conversion rules in the monster section. We’ve long since added […]

Appendix D: Sorcerer Bloodline Talent Charts

To make things a bit easier for wizard players in Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book, I included a page of talent charts. This way if you just wanted to be an Evoker, you could see at a glance which talents built on it and where they branched off (I’ll need to update them for Appendix […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Age of Worms, Episode 604

Cast Humal (level 10 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 10 dwarf war cleric) Sumia (level 10 elf rogue/ranger) Summary With the water elemental destroyed and Humal more-or-less back on his feet, the party continued through the water ring and on to the smaller building beyond. The door was covered in elaborate bas-reliefs that from a […]

FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 603

Cast Humal (level 10 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 10 dwarf war cleric) Sumia (level 10 elf rogue/ranger) Summary Not wanting to invade the now departed Earl of Coalchester’s privacy, the party chose one of the two remaining doors at random. It opened into a large chamber that was sparsely illuminated by four spherical lanterns. […]

FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 602

Cast Humal (level 10 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 10 dwarf war cleric) Sumia (level 10 elf rogue/ranger) Summary Before Corzale could shout out a warning, the dragon exhaled a stream of acid, striking all but Doppelfilge, Auric, and Cenric. Now that it had their attention and most of them were severely wounded, it made them […]

FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 601

Cast Humal (level 10 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 10 dwarf war cleric) Sumia (level 10 elf rogue/ranger) Summary Since the party would need to wait over a week for Humal’s doppelgangers to finish brewing, in addition to recuperating they took the time to purchase new armor, the diagram for a teleportation circle, and round […]

Dungeons & Delvers One-Shot With Skinner Games

The folks over at Skinner Games took the latest version of Dungeons & Delvers for a (pretty lengthy) spin: if you’re curious what they thought about the game (especially without any guidance from its creators), give it a watch (or listen, it’s nearly three hours long)! Announcements If you’re curious about FrankenFourth and/or Dungeons & Delvers, you can […]

FrankenFourth: The Cover & Other Art

Aaand here’s the pretty much finished cover for FrankenFourth (courtesy of Melissa): Here’s a few other bits of art (not to scale): Chimera, death cultist, and ogre (I’ll let you figure out which is which). Announcements If you’re curious about FrankenFourth and/or Dungeons & Delvers, you can find public alpha documents here and here respectively.The Rogue […]

FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 510

Cast Humal (level 9 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 9 dwarf war cleric) Sumia (level 9 elf rogue/ranger) Summary The party pursued the maybe fleeing Bozal-Worm, retracing their path back to the Coenoby. They were delayed by a pair of Kyuss zombies that Bozal-Worm had deposited in the first flooded chamber, and by the time […]