The Elder Elemental Eye: Week 3 Play Report

My local hobby store generally gives me the Lair Assault and D&D Encounters packets, so that on the off chance that I am needed I can run them. This “off-chance” occurred three weeks in, with two players, both strikers (an elementalist and a monk). Thankfully I’d had some experience running with a group like this. […]

Beyond the Crystal Cave: Encounter 1

Given that the day I am scheduled to run Encounters at Knightfall Games fell on a holiday I did not have the chance to run it, so instead of a play report I am just going to give my thoughts on how the first encounter is written. The session opens up with the characters waiting […]

March of the Phantom Brigade, Week 4

After brawling with a pair of oozes, the heroes returned from their scouting mission and reported the ruins to be currently clear of any threats that their Passive Perceptions could detect. With that technicality out of the way, the caravan pulled up stakes and made its way into the ruins of Castle Inverness. Once inside the civilians began […]

March of the Phantom Brigade, Week 3

There was considerably more social interaction this week, as Liz and the crew scouted out the ruins of Castle Inverness. The players, not knowing what to expect, were exceedingly cautious in their investigation. Well, most of them that is. Every player but one tried to sneak towards it, searching for access points and threats, while […]

March of the Phantom Brigade, Play Report 2

I’d gotten along really well with the group from my first week of running Encounters, so it kind of sucked that this week all of them (including Liz) ended up at another table, meaning that I had to start from scratch with a new group and figure out what they did last week in order to maintain […]

March of the Phantom Brigade, Play Report 1

I ran the first session of March of the Phantom Brigade last Tuesday, something that I’ve never done because the local game stores in my area usually have virtually no participants, or unpleasant stereotypes that like to use houserules such as, “spend a standard and move action to pick something up”. No, to find a […]

Hexblade Impressions

I got to try out the infernal-pact hexblade as part of D&D Encounters tonight, which was a blast for two reasons; the first is that I was the only person in the general area aside from Shazbot that had a copy of Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms, but the second is that I like being […]