Dungeons & Delvers: Burning Condition

Though they don’t have hard-set mechanics (as in, x damage type must have y effect), in Dungeons & Delvers the general theme for cold attacks is that they can hinder movement via the Slowed, Immobilized, and Restrained conditions, while lightning can impose the Dazed or Stunned conditions, as well as being more effective against creatures […]

Dungeon World: The Warden

The Warden is now on sale! It has been added to our All of the Playbooks, Adventuring Party, and Wilderness Survival bundles over on DriveThruRPG. Wardens are exceptionally tough defenders of the wild. Not only does each warden type gain a bonus effect or ability while using the defend move, they have a pool of Might points […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book Softcovers Available!

Color softcovers of Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book are now available! Next up is hardcover, and then B&W versions of both. I’ll be doing these in one big batch though, so they should all come out at around the same time: mostly wanted to catch typos and make sure everything looked good in the book, first. […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book

And it’s finally done. I think. Going to see what people think and if there are any mistakes/clarifications/missing shit they point out, because even though we (as in, Melissa, myself, our playtesters, and a bunch of other people) have gone over it a bunch of times I’m sure there’s something that got overlooked. I’ll give it […]

FrankenFourth: Monster Preview

Here’s three of the many monsters that will be featured in the FrankenFourth “black book” (most of the monsters will be illustrated, just depends on if there’s enough space to put one in). Initially this stat block was for a goblin, but (and I forget why) very early on someone suggested replacing it with a boggart and […]

D&D Doesn’t Use Vancian Magic

On a whim I picked up Appendix N, a purchase that I’ve been questioning, borderline regretting since the first chapter on Jack Vance in which the author gets a number of things wrong, including the notion that people don’t “get” (pseudo-)Vancian magic simply because they never read The Dying Earth. Magic in The Dying Earth […]

5 Problems With "Magic" In Dungeons & Dragons

In D&D gods don’t intervene on your behalf,you tell them what you want, when youwant, and x times per day they’ll always listen. When you think about wizards, what pops into your head? Is it an old guy with a robe and wizard hat? A teenager that waves a wand about while spouting faux-Latin? I’m […]