Design & Development: The Druid

I’ve been on and off working on the druid for awhile now—mostly trying to figure out how I wanted its magic to work—and it’s at a point where we can finally playtest it (which we’ll be doing this Thursday in place of our A Sundered World campaign). Here’s what it looks like right now: Stats & Proficiencies […]

FrankenFourth: Scrolls & Spellbooks

Normally in Dungeons & Dragons and Dungeons & Dragon-ish games, scrolls are both a common treasure and disintegrate after use (or the writing fades). They’re basically a way for you to spend time and maybe money to eke out a few extra spells, either for emergency purposes or because come on how often do you actually […]

A Sundered World: Races

Someone over on G+ mentioned how races are handled in A Sundered World, specifically that they really like it and wanted to port it over to vanilla Dungeon World, so I wanted to explain what it is and why I did it this way. Races in A Sundered World are basically compendium classes that you qualify […]

Armor as Damage Reduction (Again I’m Sure)

Currently FrankenFourth uses armor as damage resistance, but lately I’ve been wondering if people would prefer using the D&D system of armor just making you harder to “hit”. I’m running this as a poll over on G+, so if you wanna vote on it head on over here (though even leaving a comment here would still […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Playtest Adventure Update

We’ve updated the Dungeons & Delvers public playtest adventure with the rules changes mentioned in this post and also this post. From the original post: It’s one part hexcrawl, two parts dungeon crawl, and there are four pregen characters in the back; a future release will provide rules for actual character generation and advancement. We’re mostly interested in […]

Dungeons & Delvers Cover

Melissa finished coloring the cover for Dungeons & Delvers (though I’ll probably add some more linework), so now I got a neater image to use for blog posts, the community, and most importantly the actual game. Let us know what you think. Why frog-man? Because people demanded frog-man, I guess based entirely on the playtest game […]

Bare-Bones Backgrounds

In the rare instance that I actually get to play a role-playing game, for several reasons I usually don’t bother with a “deep” backstory, if I even consider a backstory at all. First, there’s the whole character death thing. I know certain groups of people loathe the idea of their excessively detailed characters dying, but for […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Into Yig’s Coils, Take 2

In the interest of further playtesting armor-as-bonus-Wounds, adventurers with Defense scores, and monsters with Attack Pools, we played through Into Yig’s Coils, the Dungeons & Delvers playtest adventure again. While pretty much every playtest besides the first one or two sessions has gone smoothly—even the playtest campaign we ran using Melissa’s adventure Heart of Hemskil—I enjoyed this […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Armor & Defense Playtest

I mentioned in this post that we were considering changing adventurer Defenses to static values and giving monsters Attack Pools, and today we finally got around to running three playtests back-to-back to see how it (plus armor-as-Wounds) worked in actual play. The short answer is great. The game ran just as quickly and smoothly as […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Defense & Armor Overhaul

Something I’ve been considering for Dungeons & Delvers, besides giving classes scaling Wounds and alternating between gaining Skills and Talents when you level up (Skill + Talent at each level seems to be a tad too much of a jump in competency), is changing adventurer Defenses to static Block and Dodge values. Similar to Dungeon […]