Dungeons & Delvers: Red Book Cleric Talent Preview

Someone on I think Reddit felt it was strange that we’d start out previewing Red Book content with the druid, and yeah I can get that, so this time we’re showing off the talent list for a core class: the cleric (with most of the revised class being added to Black Book soon)! Fire Domain Beckon the […]

FrankenFourth: Clerics & Turning Stuff

It never made sense for, by default, regardless of god worshiped, every cleric to possess the ability to turn/destroy undead (or when 3rd Edition came out, to be able to command them if you were Evil or Neutral and chose that option). I also found the idea of normally mindless skeletons and zombies cringing in […]

FrankenFourth: Meet the Cleric

If you want to see more details on what I’m talking about in this blog post, check out the FrankenFourth alpha document. It’s got all the cleric stuff, plus a bunch of other stuff. In most editions of Dungeons & Dragons, cleric “magic” operates under the same pseudo-Vancian system that wizards use, which doesn’t make any […]

Dungeon World: The Paladin

The Paladin is now on sale! It has been added to our All of the Playbooks, Adventuring Party, and Alternative Class bundles. As with The Bard, The Druid, The Fighter, and now even The Cleric, The Paladin isn’t merely a half-hearted/assed reskin: it’s a considerably different take on the concept. Though it’s still a competent melee warrior, most of […]

A Sundered World Review (by Drunkens & Dragons)

Looks like after a short hiatus, Hankerin is back making videos. Since the player expansion for A Sundered World just has three illustrations and maybe some words for the Director’s Cut to go, I figured I should post the really awesome video review he did for the core campaign setting book back in February (also because […]

FrankenFourth: Lance of Faith

While prepping for a 10th-level-one-shot-kill-a-dragon-playtest, I realized that clerics that don’t specifically focus on the War, Fire, and/or Thunder Domains have only situational usefulness in combat (which we probably would’ve realized sooner if almost all of the playtest clerics didn’t pick the War Domain). A 5th-level fighter going down the Slayer/Sundering tree deals around 3d6+6 damage, with […]

A Sundered World: More Character Stuff Preview 9

In A Sundered World, some races have a fixed race move, like the kytheran’s made, not born, and the tarchon’s call of battle. Others let you choose from a handful, namely the cambion (you pick a sin) and ishim (you pick a domain). Elves were in the former camp, but in the upcoming more-race-and-class-stuff supplement […]

A Dungeon World Character Sheet That You Can Use

A week or so ago Melissa was tagged in a post on G+, in which someone asked Adam if they could use the new Dungeon World character sheet layout (which was still bad despite taking over a year to finish). The answer was both surprisingly and bewilderingly no: you’re stuck using the horrible “classic” sheet, come up with your own, […]

Dungeons & Delvers Cover

Melissa finished coloring the cover for Dungeons & Delvers (though I’ll probably add some more linework), so now I got a neater image to use for blog posts, the community, and most importantly the actual game. Let us know what you think. Why frog-man? Because people demanded frog-man, I guess based entirely on the playtest game […]

Bare-Bones Backgrounds

In the rare instance that I actually get to play a role-playing game, for several reasons I usually don’t bother with a “deep” backstory, if I even consider a backstory at all. First, there’s the whole character death thing. I know certain groups of people loathe the idea of their excessively detailed characters dying, but for […]