The Bard Was Featured on Discern Realities!

Just over a week ago Melissa and I got tagged on a G+ post for a Dungeon World podcast called Discern Realities. I’d never heard of it before (at least I don’t think I have), so I went on over to figure out why we were tagged. Turns out one Jason Cordova had been gifted The Bard […]

Dungeon World: Evolution of the Playbook

Our first class, The Vancomancer, was originally very much like other Dungeon World classes out there: a cover, two pages for the class, and another page or two for spells (I forget if I was able to fit them all on one sheet, or if a second one was needed). It’s since seen a very hefty overhaul, […]

Legends & Lore: Tell Us How You Really Feel

For the past few weeks Mearls has been talking about design elegance, citing criteria that 5th Edition does not meet in order to I guess help justify his decisions and direction (or at least sway us into thinking that he is doing the right thing), instead of taking the best mechanics from previous editions and […]

Legends & Lore: Warlock Design

Given that the warlock is one of my favorite classes in Dungeons & Dragons of all time, it is comforting that at least this time I only see potential issues in today’s Legends & Lore. I never played a warlock in 3rd Edition. It seemed like a two-trick pseudo-sorcerer that was created as a mechanical experiment to […]

Legends & Lore: Class Roles…I Mean Groups

3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons introduced the sorcerer as a kind of wizard that, like pretty much every wizard in fiction that was not based specifically on Dungeons & Dragons, was not forced to memorize/prepare her spells in advance prior to using them. The bit of flavor on them suggested that they carried the blood of […]

Legends & Lore: Subpar Classes

I am not a fan of 5th Edition’s approach to classes, even with the introduction of subclasses: you pick a class, then a few levels in pick a subclass, and aside from some stat boosts/feat choices your character is effectively on rails for the rest of the campaign. The rationalization is that it allows a […]

The Barbarian Horde (Throughout Editions)

One of my criticisms about Next is the lack of being able to make meaningful decisions both when building a character and during level up, as most levels of most classes have predetermined class features. Sure at 2nd- or 3rd-level you get to pick a kind of theme (which you may not agree with), but this one choice predetermines everything else you get […]

Legends & Lore: Classic Complexity

Some people like the 3rd Edition fighter because it is simple to the point where it is often used as an introductory class (you do not do much besides roll to hit, and roll damage if you do), while others dislike it for that very same reason (well, that and it is horrendously underpowered mid- […]

Legends & Lore: Class Design Concepts

Mearls gives us another update on survey results and class direction. ClericWhile I like the idea of clerics having a flexible reserve of energy to use for healing and repelling undead, I hate the idea of all clerics having a reserve of energy to use for healing and repelling undead. I think it would be […]