Dungeons & Delvers: Dice Pool Update & Character Sheet

We’re almost done with all of the black and white art. After finishing all of the writing, and moving some content around, there ended up being more blank spots than we’d expected, and I really don’t like blank spots (especially entire pages). Unfortunately a few of the remaining pierces take up the entire page (basically the […]

Another Dungeon World Character Sheet You Can Use

A week or so ago, someone asked if they could lift the classes from A Sundered World, put them on the new Dungeon World character sheet, and distribute them. I told them sure, so long as it was just for personal reasons. Not just because it would be silly to let someone else sell or even hand […]

A Dungeon World Character Sheet That You Can Use

A week or so ago Melissa was tagged in a post on G+, in which someone asked Adam if they could use the new Dungeon World character sheet layout (which was still bad despite taking over a year to finish). The answer was both surprisingly and bewilderingly no: you’re stuck using the horrible “classic” sheet, come up with your own, […]

Dungeon World: New Character Sheet Layout

I like that classes in Dungeon World tend to fit on a single page (not so much that they are expected or “supposed” to). This makes it easy to just grab a sheet, check some boxes, fill in a bond or two, and get the dice rolling. I do however have several problems with the standard […]

D&D Next: Character Sheet Contest

Did you know that there is a character sheet contest? If you have not heard about it, there are still a couple days to get your submission in. Personally I have never been a fan of the “official” sheets, as I find them to be cluttered with lots of unnecessary fields. My ideal sheet would take up […]

Interactive Gamma World Character Sheet

Though Gamma World lacks its own Character Builder, you can make a character online via this interactive character sheet–with no subscription required. You can randomly generate everything about the character that you’d expect, though there are drop-down menus if you want to choose your options manually. The only glitch I noticed was that the first time messing […]