Dungeons & Delvers: Ability Scores

Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book uses the standard six ability scores from Dungeon & Dragons, but instead of giving you a value that in turn gives you a modifier, we just go with the latter. So, for example, instead of noting that your Strength is 12 with a +1 modifier, you’d just write Strength +1. Recently I’ve seen […]

Bare-Bones Backgrounds

In the rare instance that I actually get to play a role-playing game, for several reasons I usually don’t bother with a “deep” backstory, if I even consider a backstory at all. First, there’s the whole character death thing. I know certain groups of people loathe the idea of their excessively detailed characters dying, but for […]

Dungeon World: Classy Questions

Something that I’ve done in both A Sundered World and Dungeons & Delvers—that the playtesters have really enjoyed—is include a series of race and class questions for the players to answer, in order to help flesh out both their characters and the world. Here are some from the shaman’s list: What is your spirit’s name? Where […]