Setting Idea: Ashes After Ragnarok

Wrapped up the latest God of War about a week ago. Initially I thought that there wasn’t nearly enough god-killing, but then it’s kind of like a new trilogy and in the original God of War you only killed Ares (spoilers?). Maybe next time. I’ve been busy closing up the last few realm tears (cleaned everything […]

RPGaDAY2015: Catch-up & Favorite RPG Setting

Going ot start out by playing a bit of catch-up. For Day 18, my favorite sci-fi role-playing game would probably be Edge of the Empire. I’ve played other Star Wars role-playing games, despite not particularly liking Star Wars very much, and I dug the mechanics from that one the most. I played Heroes Unlimited all of once, which is […]

A Sundered World: Wandering Wyld & Elements of the Maelstrom

Today we’ve got another pair of art previews A Sundered World’s ten monster settings. First up, the chapter cover for the Elements of the Maelstrom: It depicts a battlemind confronting a salamander (mythological, not “D&D-ized”). I wanted to try an angle I really haven’t drawn before, as well as showcase the fact that gravity is subjective. So, […]

Requiem: Chords of Terra – Music of the Universe

This is the basic fluff for a campaign I am making. It is based on some texts I am reading on Musica Universalis which is an ancient philosophical concept that regards proportions in the movements of celestial bodies—the Sun, Moon, and planets—as a form of music. This setting draws inspiration from numerous sources, one of them […]

Star Wars As Lovecraftian Horror-Fantasy

I mentioned in my review of Edge of the Empire that I know of Star Wars, but am not really a fan of it. Gamma World came out some three years ago, and I have on occassion thought of running a campaign by taking the Star Wars universe, and cramming everything onto one planet. In this setting alien species […]

A Sundered World: Cosmology-ish

It has been a little over a year since I started working on  A Sundered World, which provided about six months of adventures before one of the key players could no longer play, and we had to pretty much drop it. Though I initially wrote it for 4th Edition, Josh and I have been going […]