FrankenFourth: Scrolls & Spellbooks

Normally in Dungeons & Dragons and Dungeons & Dragon-ish games, scrolls are both a common treasure and disintegrate after use (or the writing fades). They’re basically a way for you to spend time and maybe money to eke out a few extra spells, either for emergency purposes or because come on how often do you actually […]

A Sundered World: Races

Someone over on G+ mentioned how races are handled in A Sundered World, specifically that they really like it and wanted to port it over to vanilla Dungeon World, so I wanted to explain what it is and why I did it this way. Races in A Sundered World are basically compendium classes that you qualify […]

Dungeon World: The Blackguard

The Blackguard is now on sale! It has been added to our All of the Playbooks and Adventuring Party bundles over on DriveThruRPG. This dark reflection of the paladin isn’t hindered by meaningless virtues. Cruel and terrifying, you are more than capable of slaughtering those foolish enough to stand before you (such as virtuous souls, not […]