Zombicide: Black Plague, Welcome to Wulfsburg Playthrough

Tried out Welcome to Wulfsburg, the first quest from the Wulfsburg expansion. We thought it was going to be easy since it was the first quest, and all of the objectives are fairly close together (and two also give you vault items), but damn shit hit the fan really fast: we almost always had at least […]

Zombicide: Black Plague, The Shepherds Playthrough

Some pics from our playthrough of The Shepherds quest from the core Zombicide: Black Plague box. Before we had a problem of getting multiple special abomination draws in a row, even after lots of shuffling and across multiple games (which actually made things easy when we were in Blue, since it meant nothing spawned, less so […]

Zombicide: Black Plague w/ Dwarven Forge

We broke out our Dwarven Forge city builder sets to recreate as best we could the map from the first Zombicide: Black Plague quest. It wasn’t perfect, but still worked out well enough. Only thing that was a bit annoying were street zones since there really wasn’t anything to highlight the borders. We have some ideas […]

Zombicide: Black Plague

We finally got our Zombicide: Black Plague Kickstarter swag a few days ago (which I’m told is super late but whatever we had other shit to play and do anyway). It’s basically medieval-fantasy Zombicide, which for us is apparently all it takes to make it a billion times more fun. Mechanically the game is (thankfully) very similar to Zombicide: each player […]