Heroic-Tier Red Dragon

In line of the vampire class from Heroes of Shadow, here is a pdf for a heroic-tier red dragon race-class combo. Lemme know what you think about the powers, layout, progression, etc. If people like it, I’ll wrap up the paragon and epic tiers, too.

DDI: Monster Builder "Update"

I was pretty excited to get a message at work that the “brand new” Monster Builder was launched today. Unfortunately, when I got home and fired up Adventure Tools, I was pretty bummed to see that it not only still has the graphic indicating that it’s Beta software, that–aside from perhaps an Import feature–there is […]

More from the Virtual Table

As part of a side-project, I copied the level 2 delve “The Broken Tower” from Dungeon Delve. Here’s what I got: I might have mentioned before that there aren’t a lot of tokens to use, so I had to use the orc and hobgoblin to represent a bugbear and goblin underboss. The tile library also […]

Virtual Table: Whispering Cairn Map

Here’s what I’ve been able to do thus far in copying the map from The Whispering Cairn. There aren’t a lot of tiles to work with, but the ability to block off parts of the map and drop notes for them to see is neat. I’d like to see a function that allows you to […]