Dungeons & Delvers: The Battlemind

We’re preparing to run a Sundered World campaign using Dungeons & Delvers, and one of the players wanted to play a battlemind (as he is wont to do), so here’s a quick-and-dirty level 1-5 draft: THE BATTLEMIND Base Wound Points: 5+Constitution Wound Points at Higher Levels: +3+Constitution Base Vitality Points: 3 Vitality Points at Higher Levels: +2 (Designer’s Note: The slightly […]

A Sundered World: More Character Stuff Preview 5

Previous A Sundered World: More Character Stuff updates have focused on new ideas for moves (like moves that require race and class combinations) and several races, like the ishim, cthon, and kytheran. For this preview, I’m going to shake things up by talking about vehicles, specifically enthollows and jotuncases. The high concept for enthollows and jotuncases is essentially fantasy power […]

A Sundered World: More Character Stuff Preview 4

Kytherans are a machine race, one of the earliest creations of the primordial Antikythera. They aren’t alive, so don’t need to eat or sleep, and are immune to disease and poison, but must repair themselves when damaged (and how they “reproduce” is one of the race questions players can answer). In the upcoming A Sundered World supplement, we’re […]

A Sundered World: Color Softcovers Are Available!

A Sundered World is now available in softcover, color format (through DriveThruRPG only). B&W, and hardcover options for both are on their way. If you purchased the pdf and want a print-at-cost discount link for the softcover color version, email me (otherwise, wait until the other ones are available). If you bought it via DriveThruRPG, make sure […]

A Sundered Fragment: Races & Classes

A Sundered World is out, but for those not interested in the setting, whether you prefer something more “normal”, don’t care for its particular brand of fantastic and gonzo, or don’t run games, this product just gives you the player options: Ten races, each with their own race moves, to better allow you to determine how […]

A Sundered World: FINALLY!

NOTE: We’ve made a bundle that nets you A Sundered World and a variety of setting-appropriate classes, while shaving a couple bucks off. Just beating out the Dungeon World rulebook in size, it’s also available in full-color and has over twice as many illustrations (which will soon be released as another big-ass, minimal license art pack). In case you […]

A Sundered World: T’pual Preview (Plus More Art)

The beta pdf of A Sundered World is now in the hands of the backers, so the last thing on the docket is waiting for the last bits of feedback to come in, and wrapping up the cover (which I finally decided on a few days ago). In the meantime, I’m going to show off more art […]

A Sundered World: Class Overhaul

First things first, here are links to the current-enough versions of most of the classes from A Sundered World: Battlemind Invoker Nomad Shaman Wizard I mentioned at the ass-end of this post that since they’re all based around roll-and-hold moves, I was considering changing some of them. Partially because I’d like to see more variety […]

A Sundered World: Devils in the Details

Since there were scheduling conflicts this week I decided to run a one shot of Sundered World for Dan and Melissa. Melissa played Achon, a dwarf battlemind and captain of The Penny, a ship made mostly of copper that he had stolen from a kytheran warlord at some point, while Dan played Karp, a human shaman […]

A Sundered World: Battlemind Preview

Coming out of 3rd Edition one of the great things about 4th Edition was how classes tended to be more focused in scope and actually functional. Yeah, some people complained about not being able to play a fighter with a bow and be as effective as the ranger class (despite the ranger being a perfectly […]