#Inktober: Basilisk

Just finished the art for the Red Book basilisk (going backwards a bit). Tried to make it look a bit more like its Wikipedia incarnation. I thought the crest was kinda goofy, but while looking up lizards with crests remembered that headbutting dinosaur, so went with something more like that. Anyway, for comparison here’s the original […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Bloated Basilisk Variant

I ran a one-shot adventure back when Dungeons & Delvers was still in its playtesting phase, with Melissa and Adam playing a druid and fighter respectively. They had to locate and slay a basilisk, a very difficult feat given that it was just the two of them and they were only 1st-level, so I reduced the […]

Wandering Monsters: Turned to Stone

Petrification is one of several iconic save-or-die effects that have persisted throughout many Dungeons & Dragons editions, whether forcing a save versus petrification or making a Fortitude save, your survival boiled down to a single die roll. One of 4th Edition’s controversial changes was reducing the immediate impact of save-or-die effects: if you got his with […]