Red Book Bulette Redo

This is the bulette art I drew for the Dungeons & Delvers: Appendix D compilation like a year or two ago: I think it’s alright, relatively speaking, but kinda flat. Not as bad as some art I’ve seen, also not as good. Appearance-wise I was really running with the rumor that it’s a “cross between an […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Red Book Cover

Here’s the B&W cover art for Dungeons & Delvers: Red Book: Going to try a few ways of coloring it. Give Melissa a few stabs, also try some monochromatics. Not sure whether it should be the normal cover or a kind of “special/limited” edition. Seems more appropriate for the latter, but curious what others thing. […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Shambling Mound

We’ve been working on rounding out the monster roster for Dungeons & Delvers, trying to make sure that for Red Book we’ll have all the bases covered (as opposed to overlooking some iconics like the ankheg, bulette, gnoll, and owlbear). I got to the shambling mound, a monster that I think I’ve used once, perhaps twice, and was […]

Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes Art Update

The same guys responsible for the awesome German version of Dungeon World and Lichfield also want to translate Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes. It was the second thing we ever did, which was before we were really doing our own art, so it didn’t have any art, which means of course we needed to […]

Appendix D: Design & Development

Melissa and I are a two-man operation: we do everything in house. While Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book featured a lot of original art (I fucking love the cover), we weren’t sure how people would respond to it what with all the other d20 games out there, so we used art we already had where we could (though […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Appendix D Cover And Other Art

Finally finished the cover for Dungeons & Delvers: Appendix D. Going for a kind of Unearthed Arcana vibe, just showcasing some magic items and alchemical/crafting components that will be in the book. While we wait for Melissa to work her magic on it, here’s some stuff she’s already colored, including a variant druid and paladin (didn’t like the […]