Living Spell Six-Pack

For those of you with a DDI subscription that also want more monsters–specifically living spells–I have uploaded six heroic-tier threats here: Living magic missile Living magic missile mote Living magic missile salvo  Living storm pillar Living acid mire Living fireball

Adventure Tools Lets You Build Monsters Now

It looks and builds like Character Builder, but for monsters. To give you a thorough look, I’ll go mostly step by step through the process of updating a monster. You start out by picking the role and whether the monster is a standard, elite, solo, or minion. A radio button at the bottom lets you […]

DDI: Monster Builder "Update"

I was pretty excited to get a message at work that the “brand new” Monster Builder was launched today. Unfortunately, when I got home and fired up Adventure Tools, I was pretty bummed to see that it not only still has the graphic indicating that it’s Beta software, that–aside from perhaps an Import feature–there is […]

Adventure Tools Update

Adventure Tools got updated to include both all the content from Monster Manual 3 (including the block layout) as well as a slightly improved interface, by which I mean that the buttons are larger and have text along with the graphic. Everything else is basically the same, until you try to create and/or edit a monster.  […]