Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes Art Update

The same guys responsible for the awesome German version of Dungeon World and Lichfield also want to translate Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes. It was the second thing we ever did, which was before we were really doing our own art, so it didn’t have any art, which means of course we needed to […]

A Sundered World: The Golden Spiral Color Softcover

Softcover color proof in for The Golden Spiral finally came in. Looks great, so if you want a physical copy you can pick one up over here. Here’s some pictures: From the original post: So this is that snail cult adventure thing I’ve been working on and playtesting using FrankenFourth (though to be clear this version is for Dungeon World), all packaged […]

We Have an Actual Store

We just released The Golden Spiral, so if you’re wondering why there’s a graphic for Tabletop Vault instead of a PayPal button, thanks to Victor (of Dwarfare Games) we finally have a site that has an actual store (something I neglected to mention before, but hey better late than never). Now, instead of using a PayPal button […]

A Sundered World: The Golden Spiral

So this is that snail cult adventure thing I’ve been working on and playtesting using FrankenFourth (though to be clear this version is for Dungeon World), all packaged up and ready to unleash upon your own players! It’s a pretty straightforward dungeon crawl, though there are questions to ask your players, several suggested ways to start the […]

Dungeon World: Pointless Portents

I saw this post from the Dungeon World Tavern Community over on G+ (because someone plussed it of course): Ok, I’m a veteran GM but Dungeon World still is something new to me. I mean, I’ve read the book three or four times, read the Guide, and even played as a player once. Yet, when […]

Inktober2016: Snail Dungeon Cover

The now-Thursday group has been crawling through the snail dungeon over the past several weeks. We’re playing in A Sundered World (which is also the Deal of the Day over on DriveThruRPG) but using FrankenFourth rules (though it’s also going to be released for Dungeon World first). So, I figured a good cover would be Adam’s character Waive (an A Sundered […]

Inktober2016: Snails & Stats

Though I’m running the snail dungeon thing using FrankenFourth, I figure I could also write it up for Dungeon World, so here are some stat blocks. (I should note that I’m adding a medium tag for human-sized things, ditching Instinct because no one was able to justify its existence back when I made this post on […]

Inktober2016: Rocket Snail

I ran A Sundered World a few days ago using FrankenFourth. Adam wanted to keep playing Waive from our previous Dungeon World campaigns, so he rolled up a scion (ie, human) nomad, Shane went with a tarchon battlemind (surprising no one), and Melissa ended up with an ishim blasty wizard. I’ll do a playtest report soon (probably […]

Inktober2016: Spiked Snail & Snail Mage

Keeping this whole snail cult thing going, here’s an ambiguously-sized spiked snail (could be small, could be really big): And, per Melissa’s suggestion, a magic-using snail that sits on your head and takes over so it can make you cast spells: Assuming everything goes according to plan, tomorrow evening we’ll be playing FrankenFourth using A Sundered […]

Inktober2016: High Priest/Cultist of Ostoma

So one thing lead to another and now I got this weird idea for a dungeon infested by a cult that worships a snail god. Since Inktober is also a thing, figured I might as well get the art going, starting with the cult high priest. Gonna write it up the adventure for both A […]