Wandering Monsters: Through the Vast Gate

Before I talk about the foulspawn and gibbering mouther, I want to point out how odd it is that they do not want to tie the origin of aberrations to the Far Realm because it “might not be a part of every DM’s cosmology and campaign”, but are totally fine making assumptions about what other […]

Star Wars As Lovecraftian Horror-Fantasy

I mentioned in my review of Edge of the Empire that I know of Star Wars, but am not really a fan of it. Gamma World came out some three years ago, and I have on occassion thought of running a campaign by taking the Star Wars universe, and cramming everything onto one planet. In this setting alien species […]

Wandering Monsters: Things From Beyond the Stars

Tentacled horrors from beyond the stars? Sign me up. The aberrant/aberration category includes most of my favorite monsters; mind flayers, intellect devourers, beholders, grells, aboleths, chuuls, fell taints (despite the name), mutated/warped things, and more. I am a huge fan of Lovecraft’s works, my second long-term 4th Edition D&D campaign took place in Eberron’s Shadow […]