A Sundered World: Monster Setting Art

I’ve already posted plenty of race art, and even some location art. This time I wanted to art for the Voices of the Stars and Celestial Host monster settings (what Dungeon World calls groups of at least thematically related monsters). Note that this isn’t the final art.

Wandering Monsters: Through the Vast Gate

Before I talk about the foulspawn and gibbering mouther, I want to point out how odd it is that they do not want to tie the origin of aberrations to the Far Realm because it “might not be a part of every DM’s cosmology and campaign”, but are totally fine making assumptions about what other […]

Star Wars As Lovecraftian Horror-Fantasy

I mentioned in my review of Edge of the Empire that I know of Star Wars, but am not really a fan of it. Gamma World came out some three years ago, and I have on occassion thought of running a campaign by taking the Star Wars universe, and cramming everything onto one planet. In this setting alien species […]

Wandering Monsters: Things From Beyond the Stars

Tentacled horrors from beyond the stars? Sign me up. The aberrant/aberration category includes most of my favorite monsters; mind flayers, intellect devourers, beholders, grells, aboleths, chuuls, fell taints (despite the name), mutated/warped things, and more. I am a huge fan of Lovecraft’s works, my second long-term 4th Edition D&D campaign took place in Eberron’s Shadow […]

D&D Next: Star Cult Homebrew

I wrote a 4th Edition adventure awhile back in which the players were supposed to take down an aberrant cult in the Shadow Marches that had taken over a dragonshard mining town. I posted all the stat blocks before, but I never got a chance to run that adventure, so I figured that I would […]

Character Concept: The Voice of the Stars

I love aberrants–especially when I get to unleash them on my players–as well as things generally associated with them, such as the star pact and psionics. I figure, why not have both? This character could have been a survivor from an illithid colony, a failed ceremorphosis candidate, got too close to the Far Realm, read […]

Updated At the Mines of Madness Adventure

For some reason, blogger kept timing out after my last post, so I had to delete it. Again, you can download the pdf and associated stat blocks for At the Mines of Madness here. It’s been reformatted and updated from the original. I couldn’t get it to properly format with the monster stat blocks and […]

Dragon: The Aberrant Souls

I’d recently had to shelve an aberrant-heavy campaign due to one of the players quitting, complete with the potential for characters to become corrupted and mutated by exposure to energies from Xoriant. So when I read articles like this it feels like fate is mocking me, because it is both a good article–amidst a dearth […]

Into Dragon’s Den, Part 4

After holding up the game for about half an hour trying to redraw a map I thought I’d lost, the players re-checked the door for traps, and feeling that it was no longer going to disintegrate anyone else, kicked it in. In my last campaign, the players actually complained that there weren’t any traps–in an […]

Into Dragon’s Den, Part 3

With Red captured and delivered to the authorities, the party–not wanting to leave any stone unturned–insisted on making Perception checks to see if they’d missed something in his hideout. Truth be told, they’d managed to avoid a room that the thieves had neglected due to a wraith infestation. Despite my descriptions of a bone-chilling cold and […]