GM’s Day Sale!

DriveThru is running a GM’s Day sale from now until the 11th, so until then almost everything in our store is 33% off! Announcements You can now get a physical copy of Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book in whatever format you want! After months of doing other things, we turned our attention to and released The […]

New Year, New Game Sale

DriveThru is running a new year, new game sale, which as of this posting is going on for nearly 10 more days. They included Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book and for some reason A Sundered World, but for some reason neglected to add the Dice Pool version of Dungeons & Delvers to the mix, so we just […]

A 2017 Retrospective, And Where We’re Headed In 2018

First off, we’re currently running a kind of New Year sale, marking down all of our pdfs by 18%. We’ll let it go until some time on the 2nd, whenever I wake up and remember to change it back. The major achievements of the year are the release of Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book and Dungeons & […]

Teach Your Kids to Game Sale

A few days late on this, but DriveThru’s been running a Teach Your Kid to Game sale, which means for just over a week you can pick up the Dice Pool version of Dungeons & Delvers for just under seven bucks! Announcements You can now get a physical copy of Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book in whatever […]

Dice Pool Version Dungeons & Delvers Updated With Color PDFs

We’ve updated the Dice Pool version of Dungeons & Delvers with a pair of color PDFs: one has a parchment background, the other doesn’t (figure we might as well head that one off right now). Same content, just in glorious color! We’ll be uploading files for print-on-demand books: everyone that buys the PDF between now and […]

The Dice Pool Version Dungeons & Delvers is Available!

The Dice Pool version of Dungeons & Delvers is now available! Just the B&W PDF for now: Melissa is trying to wrap up the color art, after which we’ll email the file if you buy it through PayPal, and add it to the DriveThru product page so you won’t have to pay anything extra. You can read […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Proof of the Proof!

We got the softcover B&W proof for Dungeons & Delvers a few days ago: As you can see everything was looking good (even cover was perfect, which rarely ever happens), up until we got to the section on areas-of-effect: You can just barely see the grid. There’s a character cheat-sheet in the back that shows page numbers […]

Bandits & Boggarts (#Inktober!)

In addition to semi-undead myconids, a gorgon, and some ghosts that I’ve yet to post, I’ve also been hard at work getting the paper-mini art done for the Dice Pool version of Dungeons & Delvers. Here’s a pair of bandits and boggarts: Last I checked I think this leaves a bear, necromancer, and troll. Once they’re […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Dice Pool Update & Character Sheet

We’re almost done with all of the black and white art. After finishing all of the writing, and moving some content around, there ended up being more blank spots than we’d expected, and I really don’t like blank spots (especially entire pages). Unfortunately a few of the remaining pierces take up the entire page (basically the […]