Dwarven Vault for 5th Edition

Our sixth Dungeon World magic item volume is the first to be converted over to 5th Edition! It features just over thirty magic items, including a burning sword that is but a fragment of its former self, a portable tunnel, a magical multitool, a potion that turns you into a dwarf (because some of these items are […]

Storm King’s Blunder

I mentioned a few weeks ago that my daughter had been playing with some giant minis, and when I went to our local game store to further pad out our roster I noticed Storm King’s Thunder amidst their tiny 5th Edition selection. Now, I don’t play or like 5th Edition (I’ve still got some 3rd Edition books […]

5 Problems With "Magic" In Dungeons & Dragons

In D&D gods don’t intervene on your behalf,you tell them what you want, when youwant, and x times per day they’ll always listen. When you think about wizards, what pops into your head? Is it an old guy with a robe and wizard hat? A teenager that waves a wand about while spouting faux-Latin? I’m […]

#RPGADAY: Most "Intellectual" RPG Owned

I’m not sure what is meant by “intellectual”, so I guess I’ll interpret it to mean “the most complicated”, which I guess in my case would mean Shadowrun. I’m going to specify 5th Edition as that’s the only one that I own right now, but frankly I remember them all being pretty complex, just not so complex that […]

#RPGADAY: Most Recent RPG Purchased

I was sitting here trying to remember whether I’d received 13th Age or Numenera later, but then I remembered that technically I had purchased a copy of Dungeon World from my local store at some point after getting both. This was good, as I actually mostly enjoy this game, but then it hit me: the Starter Set. […]

5th Edition: The Uninspired Bard

3rd Edition’s bard was a big bag of poorly designed suck: your attack bonus was too low to make you a competent fighter, your hit points were on par with a rogue (whom you also had fewer skill points than), and your spellcasting was, well, to put it nicely inadequate. Some mistakenly labeled is as a […]

5th Edition Basic Rules & Starter Set

Just in case you came here to see if my opinion was miraculously inverted through reading a set of finalized rules that, as far as I can tell are not at all different from the last playtest packet, I will save you the time: I still think that the game looks and plays like recycled, […]

One Man’s Treasure Is Another Man’s Garbage

5d4 kobolds were one dayaway from retirement. I have been meaning to write this for awhile now, and I figure what with 5th Edition more or less actually out, what better time? One of the big—some might say biggest—default motivations in Dungeons & Dragons is treasure. In older editions I guess it inexplicably accounted for the […]