Dungeon World: The Warden

The Warden is now on sale! It has been added to our All of the Playbooks, Adventuring Party, and Wilderness Survival bundles over on DriveThruRPG. Wardens are exceptionally tough defenders of the wild. Not only does each warden type gain a bonus effect or ability while using the defend move, they have a pool of Might points […]

Expedition to Castle Ravenloft (4E), Part 2

Note: In case there’s any confusion, this 4E conversion of Expedition to Castle Ravenloft isn’t intended to allow you to forgo the book entirely (because I might get in trouble doing so). Rather, it’s designed to be more like a conversion supplement. Hmm…there’s a lot more going on here than I thought… Once the players […]

Expedition to Castle Ravenloft (4E), Part 1

So with SakuraCon coming up I’ve got only one overnight gaming panel, which means that I’ve got to pick something truly awesome to eat up 7+ hours of game time. Seeing as how Heroes of Shadow is the new book on the shelf, I’ve decided to go with Expedition to Castle Ravenloft, which unfortunately hasn’t been […]