Dungeons & Delvers: Getting to the Good Stuff

In Dungeons & Delvers you can gain access to a number of spells and abilities very early on, sometimes even right away, that would normally require you to be 5th-level or even higher in Dungeons & Dragons. For example, thanks to their bonus talent human wizards can pick up Fireball or Lightning bolt at 1st-level (everyone else […]

Dungeons & Delvers: You Are What You Eat

In both 2nd and 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons, the cost of meals ranged from 1-5 silver pieces per day, which seemed kind of steep, at least in 3rd Edition, due to a typical unskilled laborer only earning the equivalent of a single piece a day. The cost of rations differed quite a bit: 5 […]

#RPGaDay2019: Critical

I touched on being critical in a previous post, so I guess this time I’ll focus on critical hits. In Black Book we just had crits inflict maximum damage. Partially this was because I wanted something that would be quick and easy to resolve, partially I figured that was good enough, especially since overall monsters make more […]