Delver Magazine: High Priest Gauthier

Between waiting on and incorporating all of the really great feedback we’re getting for the first issue of Delver Magazine, I decided to illustrate one of the more noteworthy encounters in the adventure we’ll be including with it: behold High Priest Gauthier in all of his fungal glory! Hoping to get it out by the […]

Mid-Level Sundered World One-Shot

At Adam’s request, I ran a 10th-level one-shot for him and Melissa. He rolled up a mid-level incarnation of Waive, a human conglomeration of nomad/shaman/fighter, while Melissa just went with a dwarf barbarian named Torla. It starts out with them delivering a devil bounty to an island mostly inhabited by devils. In addition to a […]

Black Friday Thru Cyber Monday Sale!

Didn’t even know this was going on until I went to DriveThru to run my own holiday/Black Friday sale, but looks like they beat me to it; for the next week (almost) you can get a bunch of our stuff at a 33% off! Announcements You can now get a physical copy of Dungeons & Delvers: […]

A Sundered World: Grimlock Cave, Part 1

Cast Dymlos (level 1 human monk/level 3 spellsword) Miyoshi (level 4 nekobito shaman) Severus (level 4 human battlemind) Yao Lao (level 4 human monk) Session Highlights The party is approached by a dwarf. He’s from a fairly small clan that found an island four cycles (term we’re using for days in A Sundered World) away […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Storm Sorcerer Draft

Over on the MeWe Dungeons & Delvers group, Darcy (Dettmann Junior) asked about a storm sorcerer, specifically whether it would be better to reskin a cleric, druid, or both. I figured that, sure, you could do that, but then I whipped up a quick-and-dirty set of class features and talents.. It’s in a Google Doc […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Age of Worms Side Trek, Part 1

Cast Humal (level 15 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 15 dwarf war cleric/druid) Sumia (level 15 elf rogue/ranger/wizard) Session Highlights On the way out of Kyuss’s ziggurat, the party frees the skeleton of a gold dragon entombed in the walls. He introduces himself as Arouxluverdand: apparently he was the same gold dragon that carried Grymnir, […]

AetherCon VII Live Q&A

In addition to running Escape From the Flesh Catacombs on the, on the 9th/tomorrow at 11am PST we’ll be doing a live Q&A at AetherCon. So hit it up if you want to talk to us, let us know what you think about what we’ve done and what we’re doing, offer suggestions and criticism, etc. Should […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Burning Condition

Though they don’t have hard-set mechanics (as in, x damage type must have y effect), in Dungeons & Delvers the general theme for cold attacks is that they can hinder movement via the Slowed, Immobilized, and Restrained conditions, while lightning can impose the Dazed or Stunned conditions, as well as being more effective against creatures […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Goblin Cave Playtest

We ran a fairly simple playtest yesterday, with some of the Appendix D classes so that we can try to iron out any kinks before the release of Red Book. The 1st-level party consisted of a barbarian, a cleric with the Fire and Forge Domains, an infernal pact warlock, and a Serpent Style monk. Only starting […]