Dungeon World: The Ranger

The Ranger is now on sale! It has been added to our All of the Playbooks, Alternative Classes, Adventuring Party, and Wilderness Survival bundles over on DriveThruRPG (so if you’ve bought a bunch of our stuff already, check those out for a “complete the bundle option” to save some cash). The core package of the ranger is hunting, […]

Dungeons & Delvers & Dragons

In Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book I only included stats for a level 7 red dragon. This was because the core game initially only went up to 5th-level, and I figured a level 7 critter would be badass enough, without people creating/converting stuff using the very simple creation/conversion rules in the monster section. We’ve long since added […]


Awhile back, due to someone’s recommendation, I joined a Dungeons & Dragons art group on Facebook. Now Melissa and I have made a shitload of art (that link shows like half of what we’ve done), and I knew there were at least a few illustrations that would catch shit, so I started out playing it safe and […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Delver Magazine

In addition to all those Appendix D zines we keep adding to Dungeons & Delvers, Melissa and I are also working on a most likely irregularly scheduled (depends on how long it takes us to get an issue done), actually proper magazine for the game called Delver. Here’s the cover of the first issue (colors courtesy of […]

Dungeons & Delvers Review (by Cross Planes)

Mark Craddock from the blog Cross Planes posted a very positive review of Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book, but I didn’t see it until about a week later while checking out another post he did on a bone salamander monster statblock (also for Black Book). He hits all the major points, and doesn’t say anything wrong […]

Standing On the Shoulders of Giants…

…so you can stab them in the face! Back in May, I wrote a post on how we we’re going to change how attacks from really big monsters are resolved. Basically, instead of making an attack roll the target suffers damage automatically, but they can attempt a saving throw to halve it, and possibly avoid other […]

Dungeons & Delvers: A Sundered World Armor Preview

Some armor concept art for the upcoming Dungeons & Delvers version of A Sundered World (but also usable in part at least for Red Book and especially our prehistoric game): Armor materials were just one of the big, new things we included in the Dungeon World of A Sundered World (and to a lesser extent in many of our […]

Tactical Tokens Kickstarter

Image taken from the Tactical Tokens Kickstarter page. Disclosure: Dave Leek didn’t ask me to write this. I do know him from a Facebook art group I was posting in, where he asked to use our art for a token project, and at the time I wasn’t aware he was going to do a Kickstarter. […]