Dungeon World: The Apothecary

The Apothecary is now on sale! It has been added to our All of the Playbooks and Adventuring Party bundles over on DriveThruRPG. Apothecaries excel in keeping everyone on their feet, and helping them bounce back when they get knocked down. You aren’t solely a supporting class, however: by examining creatures (living or dead), you can learn how to […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Spacecraft

Kyrinn S Eis wanted us to put spacecraft (among other things) in one of our Appendix D issues, so here’s some concept art for one of the designs I came up with (I wanted to avoid doing an airplane-in-space design): The main part is a kind of rounded puck surrounded by a ring that serves as […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Where Do Baby Gnolls Come From?

In Dungeons & Delvers orcs are the minions of Orcus, demonic spirits tightly wrapped in the flesh of other races, because they cannot remain unprotected in the natural world/Prime Material Plane for long without dissipating. It might kill them, or just send them back to the underworld. Never really decided. Maybe some particularly powerful or strong-willed […]

Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes Art Update

The same guys responsible for the awesome German version of Dungeon World and Lichfield also want to translate Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes. It was the second thing we ever did, which was before we were really doing our own art, so it didn’t have any art, which means of course we needed to […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Mimics

I wrote a post about an adventure involving mimics pretending to be a treasure-laden ship awhile back. I’ve been running my bi-weekly Tuesday group through it, and right now they’re trying to stop a bunch of mimics from invading a castle and slaughtering everyone inside (so far they’ve probably stopped that from happening, and have […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Nomad Preview

The upcoming eighth issue of Appendix D is going to feature at least one psionic class (currently the nomad), as the whole psionics thing just seems to fit with the alien and robot races, high-tech gear (including space ships), and robot/alien monsters. The Dungeons & Delvers nomad is based on the nomad class from A Sundered World, […]

Big-Ass Tiamat Mini By Another Name

Early birthday present from Melissa, delivered at the beginning of the month. We actually finished painting it a week ago, but there were gaps that we sealed with some liquid green stuff which required more painting to conceal: it just took us awhile to find the time to drive all the way over to the […]

Birthday Sale Over at DriveThruRPG

It’s my birthday today, so Melissa and I are holding a kind of Birthday Flash Sale over at DriveThru: until I wake up tomorrow and change it back, everything is 35% off! Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book and Dungeons & Delvers: Appendix D are part of DriveThru’s May D&D Sale, so will of course remain marked […]

Setting Idea: Ashes After Ragnarok

Wrapped up the latest God of War about a week ago. Initially I thought that there wasn’t nearly enough god-killing, but then it’s kind of like a new trilogy and in the original God of War you only killed Ares (spoilers?). Maybe next time. I’ve been busy closing up the last few realm tears (cleaned everything […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Age of Worms, Episode 711

Cast Humal (level 12 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 12 dwarf war cleric/druid) Sumia (level 12 elf rogue/ranger/wizard) Session Highlights After much debate, the party eventually opts to open the sarcophagus (against Corzale’s protests). Inside is an angel who seems to be on the verge of succumbing to the sin of pride, but he’s all for […]