Dungeons & Delvers: A Boatload of Mimics

I have a lot of adventure ideas, but I don’t talk about them because I want to surprise my players. I even try to keep them a secret from Melissa when I can, but sometimes I get so excited I can’t help myself. I’d been thinking on Escape From the Flesh Catacombs for awhile, but I […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Appendix D is Now Available!

NOTE: If you already purchased Black Book, check your email for a discount link from DriveThruRPG so you can save a buck. You asked and we delivered! Appendix D is a huge supplement for Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book (174 pages, making it bigger than the core book) that adds new races, classes, talents for existing classes, crafting examples, monsters, […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Age of Worms, Episode 710

Cast Humal (level 12 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 12 dwarf war cleric/druid) Sumia (level 12 elf rogue/ranger/wizard) Session Highlights Now that they’re up close to the ziggurat, the party realizes that it’s entirely made out of countless bones, all mashed together and coated in a resinous substance. Humal and Filge of course like Kyuss’s […]

Appendix D: Design & Development

Melissa and I are a two-man operation: we do everything in house. While Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book featured a lot of original art (I fucking love the cover), we weren’t sure how people would respond to it what with all the other d20 games out there, so we used art we already had where we could (though […]

April TTRPG Maker: The Next Half-Dozen

First six responses are over here.7. Your workspace.PC, because Melissa and I use Google Docs for writing, collaboration, and feedback, Photoshop for art, and InDesign to lay everything out. Sometimes I’ll draw maps on sheets of graph paper and scan them, but other times I just do them entirely in Photoshop. So, yeah, mostly a […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Appendix D Cover And Other Art

Finally finished the cover for Dungeons & Delvers: Appendix D. Going for a kind of Unearthed Arcana vibe, just showcasing some magic items and alchemical/crafting components that will be in the book. While we wait for Melissa to work her magic on it, here’s some stuff she’s already colored, including a variant druid and paladin (didn’t like the […]

Dungeons & Delvers Doesn’t Feel Like a 4th Edition Hack

While watching one of RPG Crawler’s videos (pretty sure it was this one), he mentioned Dungeons & Delvers and how even though it’s a 4th Edition hack he still considers it OSR. I think that’s good, because it tells me he was at least open-minded enough to give it a fair take (especially since it’s virtually nothing […]

Appendix D: Sorcerer Bloodline Talent Charts

To make things a bit easier for wizard players in Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book, I included a page of talent charts. This way if you just wanted to be an Evoker, you could see at a glance which talents built on it and where they branched off (I’ll need to update them for Appendix […]

April TTRPG Maker Catchup

I just caught wind of this yesterday, so here’s a quick post to get me up to speed. 1. Who Are You?Father, long-time gamer, artist, writer, web designer, someone who’s a game designer for fun, and one of the two people behind Awful Good Games. 2. Where Ya At?Physically? In a cornfield in the United […]

Appendix D: Frost Giant Sorcerer

Some people have asked that we include another bloodline option for the sorcerer in our upcoming Appendix D supplement for Dungeons & Delvers. While Melissa was working on Krampus Run, I started working on a frost giant bloodline because I thought it would be a thematic fit. I’d even considered including a 5-level build in the […]