Dungeons & Delvers: Dryad Adventure, Pilot Episode

Cast Lydia (level 3 human bard) Hburdshur (level 3 dwarf fighter) Raynor (level 3 god eater-class thing) Savatar (level 3 vampire) Session Highlights The party, burdened with a treasure-laden golden chariot, freshly stolen from the tomb of a now dead dead sky god-like being, had to figure out how to haul their haul to Helorus, an […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Appendix D, Art Update the Third

Another art update for Appendix D, though to be honest we’ll use it in other stuff (like that Dungeon World monster manual someone wanted us to do) and also put it on DriveThru down the road as inexpensive stock art (for use in commercial stuff, of course). First up, ankheg. Nothing too fancy, though I think […]

Dungeons & Delvers & Dragons

In A Sundered World, dragons are spontaneously created from the combination of raw astral essence, elemental matter or forces, and heavily resonated negative emotions and desires. They don’t reproduce, age, sleep, or need food, and only live to destroy, kill, torment, and/or hoard treasure. They’re more like natural—or what amounts to natural in a world that […]

Enlil-Zi-Shagal’s Sky Tomb Finale

Cast Lydia (level 3 human bard) Hburdshur (level 3 dwarf fighter) Raynor (level 3 god eater-class thing) Savatar (level 3 vampire) Session Highlights Raynor’s plan works: the prismatic spider slaughters all of the viscera wasps. Unfortunately it’s still alive, and the party has no idea how wounded it is. But they’ve destroyed one already, and figure […]

Dungeons & Delvers Art Update

One of the reasons it takes us so long to get more RPG stuff, is that we do all of the art ourselves (which we eventually bundle into inexpensive art packs for others to use on commercial projects). Basically I draw some black and white shit, and then Melissa makes it look awesome. Cases in […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Ability Scores

Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book uses the standard six ability scores from Dungeon & Dragons, but instead of giving you a value that in turn gives you a modifier, we just go with the latter. So, for example, instead of noting that your Strength is 12 with a +1 modifier, you’d just write Strength +1. Recently I’ve seen […]