Dungeons & Delvers: Age of Worms, Episode 705

Cast Humal (level 11 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 11 dwarf war cleric/druid) Sumia (level 11 elf rogue/ranger/wizard) Session Highlights As the icy mist and darkness encroaches upon them, Corzale draws upon the might of her god, summoning a floating hammer of pure divine energy. Its light pushes back the darkness, revealing a thin, barely-there […]

One Day Left!

There’s just over a day left on DriveThru’s Black Friday to Cyber Monday sale: until early Tuesday you can snag a bunch of our stuff at 17% off! Again the bundle prices are unchanged, so it might be cheaper to buy stuff individually. Announcements It look a lot longer than expected, but we finally released The […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Paper Mini Core Set

Our first set of paper minis, primarily intended for Dungeons & Delvers but you can use them for pretty much any fantasy RPG (we’ve also marked it down for DriveThru’s Black Friday to Cyber Monday sale). It’s seven sheets of paper minis featuring all of the PCs and monsters in the core book, including monsters that […]

Black Friday to Cyber Monday Sale

DriveThruRPG is currently running a Black Friday to Cyber Monday sale, so until late Monday you can get a bunch of our stuff at 17% off! The bundle prices are unchanged, so it might be cheaper to buy stuff individually. Announcements It look a lot longer than expected, but we finally released The Jinni. As with our other […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Chaos Magic

Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book (which as of this posting is the Deal of the Day at DriveThru) has two types of wizards. The first uses a Mana system with mostly random costs. For example, Burning Hands costs 1d4 Mana. Only spells that I figure wizards will just cast and re-cast until they get a low […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book is the Deal of the Day!

We submitted this awhile ago in hopes it would land sometime around Halloween, but in the Thanksgiving ballpark ain’t bad: for the rest of the day you can get Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book today at 40% off! In addition to the core rules, there’s also five Appendix D supplements that add more races, classes (including […]

Escape from the Flesh Catacombs: Crawling Claw

A little over a week ago, I ran a playtest with Melissa for Escape From the Flesh Catacombs, pretty simple Black Book adventure, both for 0- and 1st-level PCs. It’s basically a group of characters that are captured by a gorgon, but she gets killed before she can do anything to/with them, and then they have […]

Dwarven Vault for 5th Edition

Our sixth Dungeon World magic item volume is the first to be converted over to 5th Edition! It features just over thirty magic items, including a burning sword that is but a fragment of its former self, a portable tunnel, a magical multitool, a potion that turns you into a dwarf (because some of these items are […]

Roll20 Tokens: Chibi Characters Volume 1

Looks like Brannon has released another Roll20 token set, this time using some of the chibi art from the Dice Pool version of Dungeons & Delvers. The first set is Chibi Characters, and uses a handful of the art from the races and classes chapters, so definitely expect more. As I mentioned in a previous post […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book Review

RPG Crawler posted a very extensive and favorable review for Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book as part of his new series, Shelf of Many Things: If you’re into gaming check out his channel (covers a variety of content and also does let’s plays), and sub if you like what you see. To clarify a few things from […]