Dungeons & Delvers: Appendix D, Issue 4

The fourth issue of Appendix D has been added to Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book (for free, just check the product page for another PDF download). It increases the (soft) level cap up to 10th-level for the core four classes (we’ll do the other classes and racial classes later on), adds some new talents for each class […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book Hardcovers Available!

With the arrival of both the B&W and color hardcover proofs (as expected a day after the B&W softcover proof), you can now get a physical copy of Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book in whatever format you want! Note that none of the physical books contain any content from the Appendix D or houserule documents (might compile that all […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book B&W Softcovers Available!

B&W softcovers of Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book are now available! I ordered it and both hardcover proofs at the same time, so I guess they ship them individually (even though I’m sure I only paid one shipping and handling cost). But, oh well, hopefully that means the others will show up in the next day […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Bloated Basilisk Variant

I ran a one-shot adventure back when Dungeons & Delvers was still in its playtesting phase, with Melissa and Adam playing a druid and fighter respectively. They had to locate and slay a basilisk, a very difficult feat given that it was just the two of them and they were only 1st-level, so I reduced the […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Dice Pool Update & Character Sheet

We’re almost done with all of the black and white art. After finishing all of the writing, and moving some content around, there ended up being more blank spots than we’d expected, and I really don’t like blank spots (especially entire pages). Unfortunately a few of the remaining pierces take up the entire page (basically the […]

A Sundered World Sale

Didn’t know DriveThru was doing a September sale, but until the 1st of October you can pick up the PDF of A Sundered World at 33% off! A Sundered World is a fantastic, kind of gonzo campaign setting for Dungeon World. It takes place in the shattered remnants of the worlds, which were ravaged during a cosmic […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Age of Worms, Episode 702

Cast Humal (level 11 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 11 dwarf war cleric/druid) Sumia (level 11 elf rogue/ranger/wizard) Session Highlights Most of this session was dedicated to preparing for their eventual foray into the jungle in search of Kuluth-Mar, the site of Kyuss’s apotheosis, and investigating various issues that in one case were literally plaguing the […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book Softcovers Available!

Color softcovers of Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book are now available! Next up is hardcover, and then B&W versions of both. I’ll be doing these in one big batch though, so they should all come out at around the same time: mostly wanted to catch typos and make sure everything looked good in the book, first. […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Brainstorming the Shaman

I made a shaman for A Sundered World based on the shaman from 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, mostly because during the original playtest campaign one of the players played a goliath shaman, but I also liked the class well enough. In D&D it’s a primal leader, which basically means it uses druidish magic (called evocations) and […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Age of Worms, Episode 701

Cast Humal (level 11 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 11 dwarf war cleric/druid) Sumia (level 11 elf rogue/ranger/wizard) Session Highlights With Humal’s half-siblings out of the way (at least temporarily in the case of his half-brother Humata), Doppel-Sionsiar ferried the party to the first section of the tomb. On their way to the ethereal tunnel […]