FrankenFourth: Monster Preview

Here’s three of the many monsters that will be featured in the FrankenFourth “black book” (most of the monsters will be illustrated, just depends on if there’s enough space to put one in). Initially this stat block was for a goblin, but (and I forget why) very early on someone suggested replacing it with a boggart and […]

FrankenFourth: Another Druid & Fighter Playtest

Cast Merric (3rd-level human fighter) Pikala (3rd-level elf druid) Summary Merric and Pikala arrived at a village just in time to catch a post rain-calling ceremony mishap: apparently the sacred stone disk used for the ritual doubled as a cap to a pit leading to a section of the underworld; while the priest was able […]

A Sundered World: Player Fragments Softcover Color Books

Took far longer than expected, but the softcover color version of A Sundered World: Player Fragments is now available. Hardcover and B&W versions are of course to follow. If you already purchased the PDF, look for a print-at-cost discount link in your inbox (assuming your DriveThruRPG account is set so that you can be contacted, that […]

Modrons as Ambulatory Lament Configurations

Even though I’m a big Planescape fan the only time I recall using any sort of modron was for a player character, but for some reason today I had this idea to make at least the cube-shaped modrons (duodrones?) into walking, self-changing Lament Configurations. I figure that they’d each have a few configurations that let them […]