A Sundered World: The Golden Spiral Color Softcover

Softcover color proof in for The Golden Spiral finally came in. Looks great, so if you want a physical copy you can pick one up over here. Here’s some pictures: From the original post: So this is that snail cult adventure thing I’ve been working on and playtesting using FrankenFourth (though to be clear this version is for Dungeon World), all packaged […]

The Value of a Game

The 5th Edition Player’s Handbook costs $50, or just under $30 if you snag it on Amazon. It’s hardcover, 320 pages (none of which are blank), full color, and chock full of art. Formatting that is easy to implement yet bizarrely missing from many “indie” products includes tables with alternate row highlights (as opposed to just lines […]

FrankenFourth: More Art!

Here’s some more art from FrankenFourth. While the ogre and chimera aren’t exactly new (but the shadow is), Melissa colored them so I figured I’d show them off again. Announcements If you’re curious about FrankenFourth and/or Dungeons & Delvers, you can find public alpha documents here and here respectively.The Rogue is our latest alternate-addition to the Dungeon […]

FrankenFourth: The Illusionist

Something that’s been on the docket for awhile now is the illusionist talent tree. Jacob has been playing an illusionist/enchanter hybrid since the start of the Age of Worms playtest campaign, though he’s since branched out into Necromancy because c’mon, animating big-ass undead minions and interrogating ghosts is pretty damned awesome and useful. Not to say that […]

FrankenForth: Looking Back

So over on Google Plus, Kyrinn (S. Eis) asks: “Looking back at 3rd, how do you like how F4th is holding up, or exceeding?” The very short answer is that it’s exceeding in every aspect, but then this is a D&Dish game that I specifically designed to do everything I wish D&D would have done in […]

FF/ASW: Escape From The Cambion Cube

Cast Asheal (level 4 ishim wizard) Hordac (level 4 tachon battlemind) Rust (level 4 scion nomad) Summary The party woke in a cramped chamber. It was uncomfortably warm, and only dimly illuminated by pulsing crimson runes carved into every surface. Unsure where they were or how they got there, they felt the walls for a […]

Dungeons & Delvers Kickstarter is Live!

The Dungeons & Delvers Kickstarter went live yesterday, and we’re (as of this posting) already over a third of the way to our goal! If you haven’t been keeping up, it’s basically a rules-lite dungeon crawling role-playing game geared towards kids, but still fun for everyone. We’ve been playtesting it off and on for a few […]

Dungeons & Delvers One-Shot With Skinner Games

The folks over at Skinner Games took the latest version of Dungeons & Delvers for a (pretty lengthy) spin: if you’re curious what they thought about the game (especially without any guidance from its creators), give it a watch (or listen, it’s nearly three hours long)! Announcements If you’re curious about FrankenFourth and/or Dungeons & Delvers, you can […]

FrankenFourth: The Cover & Other Art

Aaand here’s the pretty much finished cover for FrankenFourth (courtesy of Melissa): Here’s a few other bits of art (not to scale): Chimera, death cultist, and ogre (I’ll let you figure out which is which). Announcements If you’re curious about FrankenFourth and/or Dungeons & Delvers, you can find public alpha documents here and here respectively.The Rogue […]

FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 510

Cast Humal (level 9 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 9 dwarf war cleric) Sumia (level 9 elf rogue/ranger) Summary The party pursued the maybe fleeing Bozal-Worm, retracing their path back to the Coenoby. They were delayed by a pair of Kyuss zombies that Bozal-Worm had deposited in the first flooded chamber, and by the time […]