FrankenFourth: Alignments

I’d been considering for awhile now whether I even wanted to bother with alignment in FrankenFourth. Sure, on forums it’s a never-ending bitch-fest about what alignment means, but in-game it almost never comes up except maybe as a way for the DM to threaten or punish you (ie, if you do that thing you’ll become […]

FF/ASW: The Golden Spiral, Episode 105

Cast Asheal (level 3 ishim wizard) Hordac (level 3 tarchon battlemind) Waive (level 3 scion nomad) Summary We haven’t had a chance to play for the past 2-3 weeks now due to a combination of the holidays, work, life, and shoddy internet, so what follows is best as I can recall (which means I’ve certainly […]

We Have an Actual Store

We just released The Golden Spiral, so if you’re wondering why there’s a graphic for Tabletop Vault instead of a PayPal button, thanks to Victor (of Dwarfare Games) we finally have a site that has an actual store (something I neglected to mention before, but hey better late than never). Now, instead of using a PayPal button […]

A Sundered World: The Golden Spiral

So this is that snail cult adventure thing I’ve been working on and playtesting using FrankenFourth (though to be clear this version is for Dungeon World), all packaged up and ready to unleash upon your own players! It’s a pretty straightforward dungeon crawl, though there are questions to ask your players, several suggested ways to start the […]

FrankenFourth: Waste Not, Want Not

I’ve recently finished Mad Max (fortunately picked it up on a sale for only $10, but still bleh) and started up Final Fantasy 15. One of the things I noticed about it is that, similar to Final Fantasy 12, when you kill monsters you get parts instead of gil. For example, reapertails (one of the first […]

Zombicide: Black Plague, The Shepherds Playthrough

Some pics from our playthrough of The Shepherds quest from the core Zombicide: Black Plague box. Before we had a problem of getting multiple special abomination draws in a row, even after lots of shuffling and across multiple games (which actually made things easy when we were in Blue, since it meant nothing spawned, less so […]

FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 507

Cast Humal (level 9 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 9 dwarf war cleric) Sumia (level 9 elf rogue/ranger) Kuhnja’bi (level 9 human w/ devil-in-the-details fighter) Summary Following their victory over Pitch Blade, the party was awarded their prize money and ushered back to the Coenoby, where they waited until nightfall before again sneaking out. There […]

FrankenFourth: Scrolls & Spellbooks

Normally in Dungeons & Dragons and Dungeons & Dragon-ish games, scrolls are both a common treasure and disintegrate after use (or the writing fades). They’re basically a way for you to spend time and maybe money to eke out a few extra spells, either for emergency purposes or because come on how often do you actually […]

FF/ASW: The Golden Spiral, Episode 104

Cast Asheal (level 3 ishim wizard) Hordac (level 3 tarchon battlemind) Waive (level 3 scion nomad) Summary With the bulky and clumsy Iodes in tow, the party continued gradually exploring the temple. The first room they came across was a kind of sparsely furnished kitchen. Numerous clay jars were filled with water, dried herbs, cloudfish […]