RPGaDay: Hardcover, Softcover, Digital? What Is Your Preference?

It depends. For things like single classes (or subclasses), small adventures, and collections of monsters or items I’m fine with a PDF, especially if it’s something I might only use a couple times (and if I need to reference it at the table I can use my phone with minimal fuss). If I can pick […]

A Sundered World: Player Fragments

A Sundered World: Player Fragments, the first supplement for A Sundered World, is on sale! If you already purchased A Sundered World, you should get a discount link so you can save yourself a buck (just make sure your DriveThru account is set to receive email from publishers). Inside its 124 pages you’ll get: New race, […]

FrankenFourth: Meet the Cleric

If you want to see more details on what I’m talking about in this blog post, check out the FrankenFourth alpha document. It’s got all the cleric stuff, plus a bunch of other stuff. In most editions of Dungeons & Dragons, cleric “magic” operates under the same pseudo-Vancian system that wizards use, which doesn’t make any […]

RPGaDay: What Story Does Your Group Tell About Your Character?

As I’ve said numerous times I rarely get to actually play roleplaying games, and the only gamer I routinely talk to face-to-face with is Melissa (unless we’re gaming with our kids, we only play via Hangouts). So, I again went to her with this question, and funnily enough I for some reason had this exact scenario in […]

4Ward/FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 408

Cast Humal (level 6 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 6 dwarf war cleric) Sumia (level 6 elf rogue/ranger) Abby (charmed doppelganger) Summary Once Corzale returned from the temple, the party plotted their next course of action. Assuming Abby was telling the truth, the creator of the doppelgangers was hiding in the sewers underneath a blacksmith’s […]

RPGaDay: Most Impressive Thing Another’s Character Did

A few years ago I ran Expedition to Castle Ravenloft using Dungeon World (something I really outta do with FrankenFourth), and I guess I forgot to post the grand finale because it’s not linked on the play report page. That’s fine, because here’s most of it. Over the course of the campaign, the players went into […]

RPGaDay: Character Moment You Are Proudest Of

I wanted to tap Melissa for an answer to this one, but it was basically, “Any time I make a plan or try to do something and the dice don’t fuck me over”. This is probably because the dice often fuck her over. You’d think that since I so rarely get to play it would be […]

RPGaDay: Best Game Session (Since August 2015)

The best session over the past year was, best as I can recall, this one. For awhile I’ve been running Age of Worms using FrankenFourth, because I want to see how it handles over a long term campaign. Unlike previous attempts to run the adventure path with 4th Edition, 4th Edition with all of the houserules I […]

Won’t Somebody PLEASE Think of the Community!

About a week ago Mark (Diaz Truman) wrote a really long post. In part of it he blames the entirely of the story gamer “community” for the (what he considers to be) sins of a handful, and in another part he virtue signals his ass off with the usual social justice rhetoric, which includes throwing […]