Dungeon World: Fixing Undertake a Perilous Journey

There are plenty of problems with Dungeon World, one of which is everything to do with the undertake a perilous journey move. While going through an adventure that +Victor Julio Hurtado was working on, I proposed a change to one of the moves, which I realized would also make for a nice fix to undertake a perilous journey. […]

4Ward/FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 411

Cast Humal (level 7 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 7 dwarf war cleric) Sumia (level 7 elf rogue/ranger) Cenric (level 7 human fighter) Summary Searching Zyrxog’s bedchamber, the party discovered a chest brimming with various coins and gemstones, numerous tomes on transmutation magic and Dovin, and a ledger written in a language that none of […]

FrankenFourth: Renovating the Hall of Harsh Reflections (Part 2)

In the final dungeon in The Hall of Harsh Reflections (the fourth adventure in the Age of Worms adventure path), it’s possible for the characters to fight a vrock. In case you don’t know what a vrock is, it’s a sort of demonic creature that looks like a cross between a humanoid and more-or-less a vulture (varies between […]

RPGaDay: Best Way to Learn a New Game?

This one’s easy: play the game. In my teenage years, I remember my then-group having trouble learning Shadowrun, so one weekend I brought the book over to a friend’s house, we made characters as we learned how to make them, and we learned everything else while playing. So, for example, we didn’t know how combat worked until a […]

A Sundered World: Player Fragments Color PDF

Melissa finished coloring the art, so we’ve updated the product files to include the color PDF, and we’re now going through the process of getting print options available (let us know if you catch anything). From the original post:A Sundered World: Player Fragments, the first supplement for A Sundered World, is on sale! If you already […]

4Ward/FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 410

Cast Humal (level 7 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 7 dwarf war cleric) Sumia (level 7 elf rogue/ranger) Cenric (level 7 human fighter) Summary Humal determined that the symbol on the floor was a sort of magical trap, that would at the least cause whoever triggered it to hallucinate for a period of time. Not […]

RPGaDay: Largest In-Game Surprise You Have Experienced?

Since David is usually the GM, I’m going to answer this RPGaDay question. There are actually two instances I can think of. The first was during the Ravenloft game that David was running using Dungeon World. I was playing The Witch, because I wrote most of the class and wanted to see how it held up over […]

RPGaDay: Your Best Source of Inspiration for RPGs?

Mostly video games, books, movies, my random thoughts, and rarely other paper-and-pencil roleplaying games (though I have looked through older D&D editions while designing FrankenFourth, mostly to nail down how complex I want it to be). Some examples: H.P. Lovecraft is responsible for a lot. I’ve run numerous FrankenFourth playtest adventures that involved cults of various ancient […]

RPGaDay: What Game is Your Group Most Likely to Play Next?

The Monday group is approaching the halfway mark of an Age of Worms campaign, which I’m running using my homebrewed FrankenFourth rules, and the Wednesday group is on hold since “real life” has taken a hold of half the members. I’m not sure what the Monday group will play next: maybe another FrankenFourth campaign? I have numerous campaign ideas, […]

4Ward/FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 409

Cast Humal (level 7 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 7 dwarf war cleric) Sumia (level 7 elf rogue/ranger) Abby (charmed/dead? doppelganger) Cenric (level 7 human fighter) Summary Abby explained that just beyond the entrance was a chamber filled with a fungus that would scream if it detected light or felt vibrations in the ground. The […]