A Sundered World: Updated Color Books

Some time in April I think, DriveThruRPG announced that Lightning Source was going to transition to another type of paper for their color books, which meant that publishers would have to submit new files, order proofs, and ultimately retire the originals. The updated color softcover proof came back a while ago and has already been […]

Last Day of the Sale!

Today’s the last day of our month-long sale, kinda: until some time tomorrow you can pick up PDFs in our DriveThruRPG store for 13% off. I think most bundles (especially All of the Playbooks) will still give you a better deal, but if you just want one or two things there ya go. The cleric class […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Defense & Armor Overhaul

Something I’ve been considering for Dungeons & Delvers, besides giving classes scaling Wounds and alternating between gaining Skills and Talents when you level up (Skill + Talent at each level seems to be a tad too much of a jump in competency), is changing adventurer Defenses to static Block and Dodge values. Similar to Dungeon […]

A Sundered World: More Character Stuff Preview 8

The previous A Sundered World: More Stuffs preview provided a few glimpses about dwarves, one of the more “normal” default races. This time I’m going to touch on the weirdest race: the t’pual. T’pual were originally bodiless psychic entities that inhabited another dimension. They were preyed upon by the thulid, who could sense and contain them to […]

4Ward/FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 403

Cast Humal (level 5 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 5 dwarf war cleric) Sumia (level 5 elf rogue/ranger) Summary While Humal and Corzale investigated the mage’s guild, Sumia and Cenric were busy scouring the Foreign Quarter, docks, and slums for anyome that knew anything about Filge. Several districts, taverns, and awkward conversations, and 100 sp […]

Temple of Elemental Evil: The Last Stand

Our daughter wanted to play Wrath of Ashardalon so she could try and slay the eponymous dragon, but a few years ago I sleeved all the cards, and since they wouldn’t fit back in the box I put them in another box with a shitload of other cards from at least Descent: Journey in the Dark, Super Dungeon […]

FrankenFourth: Treasure & Magic Items

While flipping through the treasure section in the Dungeons & Dragons Game (1991 black box) rulebook, I noticed two differences from the most recent editions that I really dig. The first is that there weren’t wealth-by-level guidelines, something that was started in 3rd Edition. Yeah, the game cautioned against awarding too much or too little treasure, but basically […]

A Sundered World: More Character Stuff Preview 7

Dwarves are one of the more “normal” races in A Sundered World: they’re pretty much like what you’d expect of a dwarf in other games/settings, except that as they age they begin to slowly turn to stone (“returning to stone”), and they completely turn to stone when they die. Case in point, here’s a WIP […]

4E D&D: Save the Princess, Episode 101

Cast Aka (1st-level red panda hengeyokai slayer) Kabuto (1st-level warforged vampire) Mirai (1st-level human cleric/shaman hybrid) Sho (1st-level spirit-folk cursed swordmage) Synopsis As the characters continued their trek towards the crater, they came across wagon ruts and tracks in the mud. Hoping that it wasn’t somehow more fungus zombies, they quickened their pace and soon […]

10+ Treasure Vault Hardcovers are now Available

It took longer due to DriveThruRPG spontaneously changing up the type of paper they use for color prints, but thanks to Maria’s badgering you can finally get the 10+ Treasure Vault in (color) hardcover. 10+ Treasure Vault features every magic item from our 10+ Treasures line, plus various magic items drawn from our numerous Dungeon World classes, for a grand total […]