I Made a GM Screen For Dungeon World

(Note: I meant to post this a few months ago, but forgot about it until recently. Better late than never and all that.) Back when I started working on a GM Screen for Dungeon World, I remember being pretty surprised that no one else had tried their hand at making even a semi-professional looking one […]

RPGaDAY2015: Days 24 Through 28

Been really busy the past few days (releasing a new class, writing yet another book, running some games, playing other games, writing/arting A Sundered World, doing some commission work, playtesting a thing that we can’t talk about yet, etc), so here’s another RPGaDay catch-up post. Day 24: Favorite House Rule I’ve already mentioned in earlier RPGaDay posts, that […]

A Sundered World War: Episode 103

Cast Magnus (level 2 kobold warlock) Minu (level 2 cambion battlemind) Ryker Tideson (level scion 2 shaman) Yuurien (level 2 t’pual wizard) Summary The crew remained in Greenport just long enough to make some basic repairs before heading out to Hell’s Precipice. You know, removing the giant bone spike that had been driven through the […]

Dungeon World: The Swordmage

The Swordmage is out (and has been added to the All of the Playbooks and Adventuring Party bundles). Though it draws some inspiration from the 4th Edition class of the same name, it is not a line-by-line conversion. It’s essentially fighter/wizard hybrid that uses their magic to make ranged attacks, bolster their melee skills, and resist […]

RPGaDAY2015: Perfect Game For You

After playing Dungeon World for years I’ve come to identify a number of flaws. Some, like everything about the undertake a perilous journey move, are comparatively simple to fix. Others, like miss results not always making sense/taking a while to come up with, not so much. I decided a long time ago that, rather than keep […]

RPGaDAY2015: Catch-up & Favorite RPG Setting

Going ot start out by playing a bit of catch-up. For Day 18, my favorite sci-fi role-playing game would probably be Edge of the Empire. I’ve played other Star Wars role-playing games, despite not particularly liking Star Wars very much, and I dug the mechanics from that one the most. I played Heroes Unlimited all of once, which is […]

RPGaDAY2015: Favorite Fantasy RPG

My answer to this question depends on whether the game is “supposed” to published or not. If we’re talking finished, published role-playing games, then my answer would of course be a houseruled 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons: there’s nothing it can’t do with some minor, easy tweaking, if that. Otherwise, I’m going with Dungeons & Delvers, which […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Heart of Hemskil

Cast Gardia (2nd-level human wizard) Lydell (2nd-level dwarf wizard) Sinzed (2nd-level human fighter/wizard) Summary Broke in body, spirit, and finances, the characters trudged through Tjelos’s gates. They had spent the past several weeks exploring the mountains to the south, but after encountering tentacled horrors within dark, winding caverns were forced to flee. The first order […]

Dungeon World: The Druid

The Druid has been released into the wild! It has been added to the All of the Playbooks and Adventuring Party bundle, and we’ve also made a Wilderness Survival bundle, which includes 10+ Treasures: Wonders of the Wyld, The Bard, The Druid, The Spider, and The Witch. Like The Bard, this class is designed to fix both […]

RPGaDAY2015: Longest Campaign Played

I’ve only played in a handful of campaigns that you could call long-term; most end up being a handful of sessions, if that. While I’ve had somewhat better luck with Dungeon World, my longest campaigns have always randomly, rarely occurred with Dungeons & Dragons. The first was one that we started waaay back in 2nd Edition […]