Dungeon World: The Swashbuckler

By popular demand—seriously, we held a vote over on G+ and everything—here’s The Swashbuckler, our take on a melee type character that relies more on grace and wits than a big-ass sword and heavy armor. I wonder if we’ll get accused of “copying” or “stealing” this one? Anywho, you won’t reliably deal as much damage […]

Dungeon World: The Bandit Formerly Known as Prince

Cast Azagin (2nd-level dwarf mutated battlemind) Paisley (2nd-level human bard) Sketch (2nd-level human thief) Summary The characters set out from Willowspear, following the sluggish, polluted Dunwater River as they traveled west. They were searching for an ancient, dwarven tablet that had been found at the river’s bank in Dunwater, and stolen by a gang of […]

A Sundered World: Episode 107

Cast Agron (level 5 scion psion) Katra “Crazy Gin” (level 4 kobold pirate) Waive (level 4 scion nomad) Warpath (level 4 tarchon battlemind) Summary After exchanging some words and veiled threats with the Devil Prince, the characters learned that he had an agenda, though they were just no closer to determining what said agenda was. To […]

A Sundered World: Episode 106 Synopsis

Cast Agron (level 3 scion psion) Katra “Crazy Gin” (level 3 kobold pirate) Waive (level 3 scion nomad) Warpath (level 3 tarchon battlemind) Summary The party returned to Spiral Harbor, with a sizable chunk of godsteel in tow. When they met up with Waive at the Sky Captain’s Watch, they discovered that he had in […]

A Sundered World Kickstarter is Live!

It’s been a long time coming, but the Kickstarter for A Sundered World is finally live, so back it and/or spread the word! It’s pretty straightforward: the more money we get, the more time we can spend focusing entirely on it, and the sooner it gets done. As an added incentive it’s going to be cheaper for […]

A Sundered World: A Magical Art Update

For the first bit of art we have a cthon wizard, based on one of Melissa’s characters from a previous playtest session: This wizard differs from the Dungeon World version in a variety of ways. The first, and most prominent, is that there’s no list of spells. Instead casting a spell is a roll-and-hold move, and […]

A Sundered World: Asmodeus & Cambions

Danger abounds in a variety of forms throughout A Sundered World. The Bahamut Span is the territory of the tarchons, a race of violent warriors that are thankfully usually embroiled in combat against each other. The Maelstrom is a chaotic realm of cyclical creation and destruction. It’s easy to avoid, but contains valuable elemental cores and is […]

A Sundered World: Wandering Wyld & Elements of the Maelstrom

Today we’ve got another pair of art previews A Sundered World’s ten monster settings. First up, the chapter cover for the Elements of the Maelstrom: It depicts a battlemind confronting a salamander (mythological, not “D&D-ized”). I wanted to try an angle I really haven’t drawn before, as well as showcase the fact that gravity is subjective. So, […]

More Stores & Updates

You might have noticed that our store isn’t up on DriveThruRPG anymore. This is because we’ve been suspended for 30 days (which started two days ago as of this post). I won’t get into the specifics (and I’ve already had to explain it to plenty of our closer peeps), but I will say that it’s equal […]