Mythoard: April Signups Are Open!

You can now signup for April’s Mythoard box, which will include, among other things, Lichfield, a semi-exclusive adventure for Dungeon World. I’ve already talked about it in two other posts, but essentially it’s a 30-page adventure that’s inspired by the Silent Hill series (hence the name, as opposed to the longer ones I’ve used in the past). […]

Giving the Immolator the Cold Shoulder

Sometime last August there was a charity that you could donate to in order to get early access to the immolator, a Dungeon World class made by the actual creators of Dungeon World. Sounds exciting, right?…right? I can’t find the link anymore, but it was yet another charity aimed solely at getting women into tech, because as […]

Dungeons & Delvers: A Very Tolkien-esque Playtest One-Shot

Cast Angus (1st-level dwarf fighter) Cassidy (1st-level human cleric) Gitta (1st-level kobold rogue) Cassidy and Gitta met up with Angus at Fry’s Watch, a halfling village a week’s trek from an ancient, ruined dwarven fortress. Angus was looking for adventurers interested in liberating the treasure of his ancestors from the dragon that claimed it centuries […]

Another Mythoard Semi-Exclusive Teaser

Last week I posted a teaser for Lichfield, a semi-exclusive, Silent Hill-esque adventure I’ve written for next month’s Mythoard box (semi-exclusive as in you’ll be able to pick it up separately in October). This week I figured I’d talk about some of its contents. The meat of the adventure runs about 30 pages. It is largely intended […]

Dungeon World: Edenvale One-Shot

Cast Darwin (3rd-level cultist) Hordac (3rd-level vampire) Mihara (3rd-level oni) Standing on the outskirts of a little village called Edenvale and the aptly named Castle of Ten-Thousand Screaming Souls, the party opted to head to the village first in order to hire, depending on who you asked, some sacrifices, food supply, or both. That was […]

The "Needs" of the Few

A while back someone made a post on Google+, asking why the rakshasa in Dungeons & Dragons has a tiger head. Though his family had come from India, he had not, and he even admitted to not having a meaningful education of Hindu mythology. I explained to him that not sticking to mythology is a Dungeons & Dragons thing […]

Fright Night: Defeating the Monster

So Fright Night is almost done: I wrapped up the art several days ago (or maybe it’s been over a week…hard to tell with all the art commissions I’ve been saddled with), all the text is laid out, and we’ve handed the pdf off to others for proofreading and to see if we’ve missed anything. Barring […]

Mythoard Adventure (Semi) Exclusive Teaser

A few months ago I was tapped to write a semi-exclusive adventure for Mythoard’s April package. For those not in the know, Mythoard is a service where you pay $25 for a box of tabletop goodies on the cheap (and if you go in for at least three months, you can save even more cash). […]

Building Your Sundered World

One of the players couldn’t make it this week, so there won’t be A Sundered World play report. I think we were considering playing something else, like Super Dungeon Explore since I managed to get a Wyrm Claw Exemplar on the super cheap, but instead got dragged into a two-hour conversation about A Sundered World. There’re a lot of […]

A Sundered World: Episode 104

Cast Agron (level 3 scion psion) Katra “Crazy Gin” (level 3 kobold pirate) Sift (level 3 deva shaman) Sirus “Ironhide” (level 3 tarchon battlemind) Waive (level 3 scion nomad) Summary Arms shaped into jagged blades and eager to mete out retribution, Ironhide charged towards Panzer…who snapped him up with a single, surprisingly swift motion. Choking […]