Dungeon World: The Cultist

The Cultist is now up on Drivethrurpg!

Given all the other Lovecraftian content I’ve created over the years, I’m honestly surprised it took us this long to make a cultist class. You start out being able to requisition resources from your cult, summon monsters, perform dark rituals, and knowing things that people just shouldn’t know.

As you level up you get to choose how you grow: do you become more influential in your cult; do your monsters become bigger and better; do rituals become easier to pull off; do you delve ever deeper into secrets best left forgotten?

In addition to a revamped character sheet layout (I had to in order to fit everything on the sheet), there’s also a digest-sized pdf that includes:

  • The cultist (obviously), along with 20 advanced moves.
  • Some new bits of gear, including magic scrolls that anyone can use, and an ancient tome that lets you uncover forgotten or unknowable secrets at the cost of your sanity.
  • Two magic items: the flute of the outer servitor and silver key.
  • The child of the goat compendium class.
  • Four Lovecraftian monsters: the dark young, flying polyp, hound of Tindalos, and thulhid.
  • A deeper look at your cult, cultist moves, and items.

EDIT: Our All of the Playbooks bundle has been updated with The Cultist, so you can nab it, along with every other class we’ve done, at a considerable discount.

    If you don’t like/want the background (say, for printing at home), we’ve included a second print book file without it.

    February Announcements

    Apparently someone thinks that making your own very distinct version of a common archetype, and using the same naming scheme that everyone else does qualifies as copying their work.

    Anywho, throughout the entire month of February we’re putting both The Witch and The Bard on sale.

    We’ve also modified their prices in our Awfully Big Playbook and All of the Playbooks bundles, making them just that much more tantalizing than they already are: $20 nets you eleven new classes, which come with design notes and clarifications, custom character sheets, additional moves, magic items, and even compendium classes.

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