Cthulhu Wars: Playing Great Cthulhu

Cthulhu is not only the most widely known Great Old One in the Lovecraftian mythos, he’s also the figurehead of the easiest faction in Cthulhu Wars: you start out relatively safe from two of the Factions, you rake in Spellbooks very quickly (and essentially freely), and once you Awaken Cthulhu he becomes insanely, King-in-Yellow cheap to bring […]

Dungeon World: Shapeshifter Shift

Like most of the Dungeon World classes, I don’t like the druid. Part of my problem is By Nature Sustained: I think it’s kind of strange that all druids no longer need to eat or drink, period (just like I think it’s strange that all cleric’s have Turn Undead). It would be one thing if it […]

A Sundered World: Locations, Locations, Locations

Taking a break from the race art, here are some of the location pieces I’ve whipped up for A Sundered World: The skeletal remains of Bahamut are inhabited by clans of violent tarchons, great serpents, elephant-like creatures that bleed rubies, and more. This one is nearly done, I just need to add some tarchons to […]

A Sundered World: Episode 102

Cast Agron (level 2 scion psion) Katra “Crazy Gin” (level 2 kobold pirate) Sirus “Ironhide” (level 2 tarchon battlemind) Waive (level 2 scion nomad) Summary One mostly intact cambion vessel, a handful of fearful, unresponsive slaves, and about ten rations worth of “questionable meat” later, the characters realized that even if they didn’t have other […]

Dungeon World: New Character Sheet Layout

I like that classes in Dungeon World tend to fit on a single page (not so much that they are expected or “supposed” to). This makes it easy to just grab a sheet, check some boxes, fill in a bond or two, and get the dice rolling. I do however have several problems with the standard […]

Dungeon World: What’s In a Name

UPDATE (5/31/2016): Didn’t think I’d ever have to update this again, but RPG Pundit started a thread on his site in which he goes over the advice he gave me following Paul “Ettin” derailing a Kickstarter thread I started on rpg.net last year I mentioned that someone told me that there’s a forum where someone […]

Dungeon World: The Cultist

The Cultist is now up on Drivethrurpg! Given all the other Lovecraftian content I’ve created over the years, I’m honestly surprised it took us this long to make a cultist class. You start out being able to requisition resources from your cult, summon monsters, perform dark rituals, and knowing things that people just shouldn’t know. As […]

A Sundered World: Meet the Tarchon (And Cultist)

Here’s the tarchon, a kind of dragonic-humanoid race born from the mingled blood of god, primordial, and Bahamut (the World-Fish). Born from bloodlust, tarchons have an almost constant urge to fight and kill. Their starting move has them take a constant -1 ongoing whenever they can see a fight but are not part of it, […]

A Sundered World: Episode 101

Cast Agron (level 1 scion psion) Devi (level 1 deva fighter) Katra “Crazy Gin” (level 1 kobold pirate) Sirus “Ironhide” (level 1 tarchon battlemind) Waive (level 1 scion nomad) Summary The trip from the sword vault to Metacarpolis took a few days (not that there are days in A Sundered World, or even a way […]

If These Stones Could Scream: Third Time’s a Charm

When I started my foray into writing and designing tabletop role-playing game content around a year and a half ago, I was using Microsoft Word to write and export pdfs, and then Photoshop to mess with said exported pdfs. It was quickly pointed out to me that while Word was all well and good for […]